We've made it to our 10th challenge! I'm so glad we did it! Thank you all for all the participation you've put in, this community wouldn't be around now if it weren't for you =)
Since we are in the 10th challenge, I thought I could do something different. I thought we could try to do a special challenge.
I thought the theme could be "A Night at the Metro Court" - and I will post a few screencaps that take place at the Metro Court.
You do NOT have to use these, these are just to get you all started if you want, but use any picture you can find, just as long as it takes place at the Metro Court.
*Icon must meet lj user pic standards (100x100 pixels, 40kb)
*You may submit up to six (6) icons
*No animations since everyone does not have an animation program, but you may use other resources such as textures, brushes, etc.
*I'm going to screen this post, so every submission is anonymous, if you have any questions, feel free to post here or message me, I'll get back to you as soon as I can
*Please do not post or use your icon submissions anywhere until voting is over
*Don't ask others to vote for you, but you are free to pimp the community for others to vote
*Submit your icons in this format:
http://i43.tinypic.com/16k2oig.jpgFull rules and explanations are
Caps are from
HD General Hospital Screencaps Icons are due on the night of Saturday June 19, 2010
If you are having a hard time looking for pictures, just comment on here (they are screened) and I or
piperhollyalway can give a few sites for pictures sources for you to start hunting.
Total Entries: 10