Oct 25, 2004 21:06
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? Theo, uh durh!
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? Jes, then it would be ok if people called me that
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly? stephanie (w/ a lisp, lol) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? oh yea, that way on my papers on school it would be okay if i just wrote stephanie in mr. brophy's class (we actually talked about madonna because of that... mr. brophy and madonna, lol)
Your gender: female
Straight/Gay/Bi: straight... Lesbian all the way... lol... jes... ashley... michele...
Single? yes, but everyone knows who i wanna go out w/ ;) Birthdate: 6/8/90
Your age: 14
Age you act: 42,098,789,576, i'm old a decrepid (sp).
Age you wish you were: 14, i've got my whole life to enjoy
Your height: 5'4"
Eye color: blue
Happy with it? uh, yea, or i woulda gotten color contacts
Hair color: dirty blond, but you never kno, i am thinking about changing it
Happy with it? read what i just wrote
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:hey, that was one of jes's words to study :) lol.... i'm a righty
Piercings? 2 + 2.... lol, josh? i have 4
---Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it---
Do you live in the moment?i try to
Do you have any secrets? who doesn't?
Do you hate yourself? not with a passion
What's your biggest fear? losing the ones closest to me, i think i would kill myself
Can you sing? of course, but the question is... how well?
Are you a daredevil? uhhh, i guess it depends
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? uh derh
---Would or Have You Ever?---
Liked your voice? when i was little and naive
Hurt yourself? yes, by accident and when i'm having too much fun to care
Been out of the country? OHHHH Canada!!!
Eaten something that made other people sick? oh yea, this one time at lunch, i remember getting paid a dollar to eat some like ketchupand ice cream and other shit... also, i eat pork chops w/ pickles
Been in love? of course... but not with a guy to last forever
Done drugs? nada, but i always look high, so there is no need
Do u Smoke? my grandma sorta died from smoking, so i vow not to try it
Gone skinny dipping? (half check...) lol...
Had a medical emergency? who hasn't?
Had surgery? on my mouth.... but i might get my tounsels (sp) out, and sound like a man!
Ran away from home? nah... but there are definately moments i have thought about leaving
Played strip poker? well, if you count that time.... in that tent, lmao, but it wasn't really poker... let's not discuss it ;)
Gotten beaten up? if getting slammed against a fridge and kicked and jumped on and smacked is beating than count me in!
Beaten someone up? ^ only when I'm getting that person back (michele)
Been on stage? I'm an actress and a dancer and a musician, when am i not on stage?
Slept outdoors? camo, every year.... what do you call that?
Thought about suicide? not for me...
Pulled an all nighter? who hasn't?
Gone one day without food? yes
Talked on the phone all night? nah Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? yes, and a couple times
Slept all day? when i have been sick, yes
Killed someone? i'm not in jail, am i?
Made out with a stranger? uh, no... Had sex with a stranger? if ashley is a stranger... then frequently... jp
Thought you're going crazy? aren't i? Kissed the same sex? honestly, of course, no harm no foul, lol.... but i only have sex with a few close friends ;)
Been betrayed? definately
Had a dream that came true? yes, but not as often as michele does
Broken the law? yes
Met a famous person? oh yeah, styx all the way!
Have you ever killed an animal by accident? a squirel, but i wasn't driving
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? not when i swear not to tell... that was truly important
Stolen anything? from my brothers... not from a store
Been on radio/tv? both, i am a star!
Been in a mosh-pit? a mini one, but it was slightly scary... they were inexperienced mosh-pitters, lol
Had a nervous breakdown? yes... and that's when i hyperventalate... do ont underestimate the power of a paper bag!
Bungee jumped? at lake compounce w/ wes and jen, it kicked ass
Had a dream that kept coming back? when i was little and lived in an apartment i dreamt i was getting chased by a dinosaur and went down out the fire escape and into the maze and it always stopped right when i came to the dead end and saw the dinosaurs tail.... ooooooh, scary... for a 4 year old
Belive in life on other planets? no
Miracles? definately
Astrology? if i actually knew what it meant
Magic? haha.... nah
God? yes, with my heart
Satan? no
Santa? mom, dad, i figured it out when i was ten, sorry to break it to you
Ghosts? booooo! i scared ya didn't i?
Luck? not one bit
Love at first sight? yeppers.... not that it would happen to me
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? yea
Witches? no
Easter bunny? my uncle dressed up as him once...
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yes, but it is rare Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? and that skittles really let you taste the rainbow...
Do you wish on stars? when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are..... (wow, this is starting to get boring and i'm trying to remain serious)
---Deep Theological Questions---
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? No
Do you think God has a gender? no
Do you believe in organized religion? yes, however, every place is different
Where do you think we go when we die? heaven... i'm christian
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? yes... and that's not counting michele and ashley!
Who is your best friend? jes
Who's the one person that knows most about you? jes What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? don't depend on someone else to make you happy. (thanx jes) Your favourite inside joke? Nail polish... it brings back old memories.
Thing you're picked on most about? being extremely stupid the majority of the time... yesterday i stapled a pocket on ym backpack shut... oops
Who's your longest known friend? jes.... since birth
Newest? Ashley (well, this is the newest who i have actually becomce good friends w/) Shyest? Sammi
Funniest? porlly Michele
Sweetest? Jes
Closest? Jes
Weirdest? Ashely (you definately deserved this award :), your weird, even in bed, lol, jp)
Smartest? MIchele
ditiest: if it's dirtiest then shaun... if ditsiest, then jes
Friends you miss being close to the most? Court
Last person you talked to online? Rob!
Who do you talk to most online? prolly jes or ashley
Who are you on the phone with most? wow... phone i don't use a lot, the winner might actually be shaun, wow, i'm lame, jp
Who do you trust most? jes... but i do trust all my friends
Who listens to your problems? jes, lol, she's so endurable
Who do you fight most with? michele, it's because we are so much alike and we love eachother too much
Who's the nicest? i woulnd't be friends w/ em if they weren't nice... except saba, lol, she doesn't like fat ppl, jp
Who's the most outgoing? i thought i was the outgoing one of my friends :(
Who's the best singer? wesly
Who's on your shit-list? shit list... like ppl i wanna shit on? i don't wanna shit on any of my friends, i may threaten them w/ it, but in my heart i know it's truly wrong.
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? when i think about ashley and michele... it's the only thing i can think about ;)
Who's your second family? i have 2 second family's the ebrahimzadeh's and landry's
Do you always feel understood? nada, nope....
Who's the loudest friend? jes... she's an actress too!
Do you trust others easily? actually, i do when i need a second opnion and then i end up becoming friends w/ em
Who's house were you last at? Michele's
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: hmmmmm, i don't think it would be wise for me to say (cough, ashley, cough, lol)
Do your friends know you? actually, i'm so ugly i've never met any of my friends in person, just online, and when i show them pics of me they are fake so they will syber w/ me :)
Friend that lives farthest away: Micheal, he's in florida
---Love and All That---
Do you consider love a mistake? no, but sometimes i feel stupid putting myself thourhg something so intolerable What do you find romantic? i kno, when a guy does the little things for a girl (like ben and his walks.... )
Turn-on? when ashley licks.... jk..... i actually really go for dies hair... idk.... it sorta makes me interested.... but of course, throws me off course a lot of the times, lol
Turn-off? ppl that think it's disgusting to french kiss.... uhhh.... (cough, david, cough) what's wrong w/ a lil tongue action, lol
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel? sorta sad... i really can't do anything about it.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going out? uh derh... how many times do i have to say that? Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out? i wish.... i hate society
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? yea... look at me and ashley, jp, she is a sexy beast
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? haha....
What is best about the opposite sex? they abs and pelvis bone... oooooh
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? butt wipes... rrrr.... and conceited.... and..... let's not go on
What's the last present someone gave you? uhhhhhh..... mr. brophy gave me candy :)
Are you in love? everyday
Do you consider your significant other hot? maybe if i had one....
---Who Was the Last Person...---
That haunted you? michele, she's always in my dreamms, oooooh
You wanted to kill? shaun, lol.... not really
That you laughed at? charlie shean, on 2 and a half men.... his brother peed his bed til he was eight... and charlie said, "actually, you stopped peeing ur bed at age 6" and his brother said, "you mean you poured warm water on my bed at night?" charlie, "let's just say it was water, and i poured it" lmao, i love that show
That laughed at you? my mommy
That turned you on? ashley's "woooot, woooots"
You went shopping with? my mommy, this afternoon
That broke your heart? let's not go there To disappoint you? ummmm...... # 35..... uh oh
To ask you out? wow.... isn't this ironic..... kyle huri
To make you cry? myself
To brighten up your day? ashley (wow, you are really special today, now aren't you)
That you thought about? # 35.... uh oh again!
You saw a movie with? wow, it's been a while, let's think...... i'm guessing michele..... but me, michele, ashley, and kelly are sooo gonna see the grudge, lol
You talked to on the phone? michele... about my JI picture
You talked to through IM/ICQ? Rob aubey
You saw? my mom, she is in the living room
You lost? shane.... lol, he's just so tiny
---Right This Moment...---
Are you going out? With sumone? so close, yet so far....
What are you wearing right now? socks, underwear.... and.... do i need to go on?
Body part you're touching right now: ashley's vagina.... and michele's...... but then how am i typing??? that is a good question....
What are you worried about right now? # 35.... can't get it off my mind, dammit
What book are you reading? just finished the gay ass holden book....
What's on your mousepad? rain drops..... keep falling on my head
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: tired, exhausted, depressed, hungry, sore
Are you bored? YES
Are you tired? YES
Are you talking to anyone online? nope, b/c my away message is up, b/c i need to take a shower, if i smell bad tomorrow, ya'll kno y, lol, jp
Are you talking to anyone on the phone? nah Are you lonely or content? right now? lonely
Are you listening to music? the little people inside my head... saying scratch ur head, it itches b/c of ur headband, lol
yea... next entry i will actually write important stuff, but ashley got me started ont his, i will even post some pictures :)