in which I get it already, god damn it

Sep 23, 2013 12:54

Dreamed I was in a large industrial complex with J, ex-boyfriend who has stopped speaking to me. We were speaking again, we were talking so much that we didn't want to separate even when I decided I needed to take a shower, so he came into the bathroom with me and perched on the sink counter while I went into a shower cubicle, stripped down, and turned on the water. We spoke above the sound until I realized he was no longer replying; I peeked through the suddenly large crack between door and hinge and saw that he was no longer there, and that men -- dark, ugly men who smelled like sweat and sun -- were filing into the bathroom to shower too, taking off their clothes and talking amongst themselves in gruff malicious voices, and I was seized with fear, I saw their faces pressing up against the door of my cubicle, their eyes trained on me, through the suddenly small slats of wood that separated my body from theirs, and I swung the door open to reach for my towel and escape, my clothes were gone and so was J, the many men advanced upon me, some naked as well, opening their towels upon me like dirty wings. I wrapped myself and ran.

via ljapp

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