in which we continue the narrative:

Aug 06, 2013 00:36

In a yelling match tonight, my dad called me a coward, and I, proving him right, threw stuff in a bag and left the house. I experienced being homeless and broke for about two hours until the coffee shop closed and I walked back home through the rain for a hug from my mum. I hope my drollness is funny so far.

I inherited many things from my father, including his fierce apologetics1 in favor of a less-than-great family2, but cowardice is not one of these things.

I stood up from the dinner table and told him to remember what he called me, for as long as humanly possible. I will carry it through the rest of my time here, and through new cities and loves. More than anything, I am out to prove him wrong.

Have been saying this to the men in my life lately. All of you are sequels to the true story of my father. I hope I end up with someone who thinks me brave.


1My therapist, in the first display of strong emotion I've seen in months, "Why are you defending your dad?!"

2My dad's side of the family half-disowned a cousin of mine when he revealed that he had a tattoo. Never mind that it's a small and ugly piece of ink; imagine what they'd do if they discovered mine. 


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