You've reached Aradia Megido's personal handheld communication pod, but I'm busy right now. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you later!
[OOC: Aradia's personal handheld communication pod iPhone has text, email, video, voice, and instant messaging abilities and it will work from Alternia to the Furthest Ring. When she's dead she won't
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CA: um seein as howw youre in a quadrant wwith me evven if it isnt the right quadrant for this kinda thing
CA: and seein as howw you havve a human moirail
CA: you seemed like the best option for someone to talk to about uh
CA: problems wwith my moirail cuz wwho do you talk to wwhen your problems wwith your moirail
CA: but uh
CA: i think johns bein unfaithful
CA: wwhat do i do
CA: i dont wwant to fuck this up
CA: glub
AA: eridan what happened?
CA: and i wwent there and left a comment tellin him he could talk to me about it right and makin sure he wwas okay and not reel upset because i care about him
CA: because thats wwhat moirails do
CA: and he posted back that he wwas okay because he already talked to some human named charles and that guy told him he wwasnt crazy so it wwas all fine
CA: am i bein paranoid or is that kinda
CA: pale infidelity
CA: he like
CA: passed me up for some other guy just because that guy got there first and they got a long thread goin on up there
CA: but im too scared to read it
AA: eridan y0u have t0 talk t0 j0hn
AA: im sure he d0esnt mean t0 make y0u feel this way
AA: but y0u have t0 stand up f0r y0urself
AA: y0ure an aquatic tr0ll f0r g0gs sake take charge
CA: i just knoww i get ovverbearin too apparently so i wwanted to make sure i wwasnt readin too much under all this
CA: before confrontin him
CA: it isnt like im wwussin out or somethin
AA: im pretty sure j0hn w0uldnt cheat 0n y0u intenti0nally
AA: and humans d0 seem t0 have a l0t 0f weird kinds 0f relati0nships with pe0ple where it seems a little like pale infidelity
AA: s0 its pr0bably that!
AA: but at the same time j0hn needs t0 kn0w h0w it makes y0u feel
AA: s0 maybe he can try t0 g0 t0 y0u directly in the future
AA: 0r s0mething s0 y0u d0nt feel like hes cheating 0n y0u just because hes being human
CA: wwhat if bein human is more important
CA: or he doesnt get howw i feel
CA: i dont knoww
CA: sorry i should talk to him about this
CA: not you
AA: its p0ssible y0u arent suited t0 each 0ther as well as y0u th0ught
AA: j0hn is gregari0us and that makes y0u paran0id
AA: that d0esnt mean it cant w0rk th0ugh
AA: y0u need t0 reach an understanding that suits b0th 0f y0u
CA: i dont wwant to deal wwith that shit again ill just find a wway to make it wwork wwhatevver
CA: if i havve to put up with somethin ill put up wwith it i just dont wwant another fuckin empty quadrant again
CA: glub glub glub
AA: i was just raising it as a p0ssibility if it made y0u t00 upset t0 stay with him
AA: but if he makes y0u happy then y0u may have t0 deal with s0me 0f his human quirks
CA: id rather keep the ones i havve evven if it makes me upright miserable
CA: i dont knoww it makes me happy wwhen hes not doin this and then wwhen he is i feel like shit
CA: arent i supposed to be happy all the time
AA: i feel unhappy s0metimes even ab0ut s0llux
AA: i think if its happy m0re 0ften than sad thats g00d en0ugh
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