I've mentioned before that I started listening to the BBC (British Broadcast Corporation) on the radio late at night while I'm at work, and for the most part I enjoy knowing what is going on in the world. I think its easy for us as average Americans to completely ignore the outside world and live blissfully ignorant lives. It's a luxury very few people in other parts of the world can afford. So while I've become addicted to the current world events brought to me by our language sharing friends from across the Atlantic I do have to get something off my chest...
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Stewie knows my pain...
I actually enjoy the varied British accents on the programs but every now and then they'll find a word, a simple word usually that I think has a fairly self explanatory pronunciation, and they'll so completely garble it that I involuntarily cringe every time they use it. To make it worse the word is usually part of their "top stories" and so it gets used over and over and over.
With these phonics nightmares forever burnt into my gray matter I've begun a list of what i call the "murdered word of the day" without really trying to.. and so i thought I'd share the list so far.
Hurricane - after being savagely cut down by the Brit's becomes "Hurican"
Patent - stabbed and mutilated to become "pay-tent"
Glacier - sliced so prettily finds itself as "glassy-er"
and most recent....
Combatant - bound kicking and screaming and finally strangled winds up as "combuh-tent"
I'm sure I'll be adding more to my grisly list as i doubt the British plan to stop their evil butchery of our defenseless language.