
Oct 06, 2008 01:09

Another in my (very occasional) series of hot dog posts

In the last week or so, an alien invader has been spotted on the mean streets of Dundee - someone who clearly believes that other life-forms should be efficiently reduced to a smoked, sweating, dripping emulsified high fat offal tube, and where better to embark on such a mission than Scotland? Click on the small picture to see a larger version that's, ooh, practically legible.

Dundee may not be many people’s favourite place (hem hem) but since the Nineties the street furniture - both official and unofficial - has made it a slightly better place to be. Look out for the dragon, the penguins, the information monkey, and Desperate Dan and Minnie the Minx.

doctor who, whimsy, dundee, food, humour, photography, hot dog

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