
Jul 20, 2007 18:07



I like the concept. Will be interesting to see how useful it is, if it will be used across fandoms (seems mainly to be anime/manga/game stuff and like, bandslash, right now).

I like their bookmarklet -- adding a new entry was easy-peasy ( Read more... )

fanfiction, fandom

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angstslashhope July 21 2007, 10:49:30 UTC
That looks pretty damn cool. But I'm wary (in light of recent events, sigh). I wish they had a bit on the site about who THEY are, the people who set it up and are running it. Maybe I'll ask on their LJ community.

Thanks for the link!


ggreenapple July 21 2007, 15:55:27 UTC
Yeah, that was a concern of mine, as well. I only added a couple of links, just to test it out, but I wouldn't use it regularly unless I could get a better feel about it.


ggreenapple July 21 2007, 16:12:48 UTC
It seems to be run solely by this person? : screwthedaisies, in rock fandom, which would explain all the rockfic links.

journal created 2004-05-03 17:39:01.
and watching l-wo-fanlib.


ggreenapple July 21 2007, 16:13:59 UTC
uh.. i mean.. life-wo-fanlib


angstslashhope July 23 2007, 13:34:43 UTC
I asked about it on that questions thread, and got pretty satisfactory responses. I hope she does decide to put something in the FAQ about it, because that really has become a deciding factor, for me.

whee! *goes to sign up*


ggreenapple July 23 2007, 16:42:22 UTC
Cool beans. :)


ggreenapple July 30 2007, 04:48:01 UTC
So I'm curious. After having signed up and taken a look at it, what's your impression if it? Is it something you feel comfortable using? Worth your time? Why or why not?


angstslashhope July 30 2007, 06:02:11 UTC
It seems like an awesome tool that I want to make use of, but I'm stumped in the adding-a-story stage. Because I CAN'T WRITE SUMMARIES. Most of the time I can barely express what I even like about a story, and feel terrible about the "yay!" feedback that I end up leaving (or not leaving). Meh. My super-recs entry is difficult enough to update. So I don't know. I WANT to use it.


ggreenapple July 30 2007, 06:09:39 UTC
*laugh* Me, too.

I just type "summary goes here" or whatever. It's a wiki-like thing, so I figure someone else with something appropriate to say about it will come along eventually.


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