
Jul 16, 2007 10:03

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san_grail July 17 2007, 01:49:01 UTC
Gives me something to waste my lunchbreak with...

1. Charming. Parody?
An American flag shirt, yet something exotic (or at least, not 'all american) about his features and name, the shirt and fake clouds in the backdrop combining to give an impression of an almost parody of a particular image. But more respectfully, ie curiously playing with an image, but not being part of it.

2. The lines on the face, presumably just sleep creases, but something symmetrical about them reminds me of tribal facial tattoos, of some barely remembered national geographic-type spread.

3. Ears. His ears and head reminds me of the ears and face you get in usually older photos of really large families of boys, and each of the younger boys seeming to have larger and larger ears in proportion with their long, narrow heads and short cropped hair. Random impression!
The cigarette doesn't strike me so much, it's nearly dead center, which reduces it's focus - possibly in favour of making the lips look more symmetrical?

4. The camera focus, or whatever it is that gives the light lessening towards the corners is what interests me most. The netting, and lighting kind of retro. Could be anytime from 70s on. Actual picture, quite ordinary. Seems like a deliberately posed expression to me, a pained look, but amuses me, because I don't see it as real.

5. Woo! Lighting! Spot the castle. I like how the dots draw attention to pieces of the picture that aren't really there... a trim on a skirt, more shine around moving people. Almost motion trails for a second.

6. Liquid. Almost abstract, could have been anything before it focuses clearly as sky, and by extension, land. The sort of thing that people make abstract paintings of, which confuses other people and gets scornfully dubbed modern art, but, in this picture - makes sense. Bringing the colour, saturation, lighting to the fore.

7. Again, I like the camera/lighting style. Whatever it is. Blur bringing more interest. Reminds me of houses I've grown up in, but that impression made me think it was an orange blanket pinned up as a curtain, rather than actual curtain and outside, roof?

8. The blue of the tattoo, gold of skin, brown shirt. I'm incredibly surprised at how much I like the combo of blue and brown. It doesn't seem like me, and yet I've been wearing it. Saturated. I like the guy's skin tone. The shade of blue, and the slightly incongruous turquoise bracelet more than the actual tattoo design.


ggreenapple July 17 2007, 06:37:16 UTC


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