Nov 12, 2005 10:17
What you didn't know....
1.What is your full name? Alyssa Maria Gulledge
2.Age: 15
3.Sex: Female
4.Birth date: march 15th
6.What school do you attend? Lanse Creuse North High School
7.What church do you go to? I dont go anymore. Its quite sad.
8.Siblings and their ages: none
9.Any pets? not anymore :[
10.Zodiac Sign: Pieces
11.Lefty or Righty? Righty
************* YOUR LOOKS ****************
Hair Color: brown with 20 million diff color highlights
Eye Color: Hazelish
Height : 4'11
Do you wear glasses/contacts? i have colored contacts
Do you have any piercing? 6
Do you have any tattoos? not yet
Do you wear any rings? i used to wear two on my left hand and one on my right but then cheerleading came around and i havent put them back on
Do you have a certain fashion you follow? not really.
How do you like to dress? whatever is comfy ill wear
How are you today? better. unlike yesterday
What pants are you wearing right now? orange pj pants with hearts on them
What shirt are you wearing? a white aber hoodie.
What does your hair look like at the moment? Well it was in pig tails yesterday and i got so pissed i ripped them out and just threw it up and then i slept on im guessing its not too pretty
What song are you listening to? Stay fly. which i am sick of
What was the last thing you ate/drank? i ate pizza last night and i drank coke this morning
Last person you talked to on the phone? Megan Delaney :]
Last dream you remember: i dont even remember.
Who are you talking to now? no one. i was talking to juls about 2 minutes ago
What time is it now? 10:30 am
******************MORE ABOUT YOU***********
If you were a crayon, what color would u be? orangeee
How do you eat an Oreo? take the top off and which ever one has the most it then eat the other half
What makes you happy? music and being with my friends
What’s the next cd you going to buy? I dont buy cds
Have you ever won any special awards? i dunno.
Worst sickness you ever had? Probably the flu. i hate throwing up
What’s the stupidest thing you ever done? hah. so i was sitting in class not paying any attention whatsoever. (whats new?) so the hour before me and erin were making up a song and i thought of another part for it and i got really excited and erin sits 2 rows away from me so i just yelled out ERIN! and then my teacher just looked at me and i felt like a dumbass.
Are you a good student? when i feel like it
Do you work? no
Who do you want to be after finishing school? physical therapist
How many kids do you want to have? 2
Daughters names: ive answered this too many times
Sons names: ...^^^^
Do you do drugs? no
Do you drink? yeah
What kind of shampoo and conditionar do you use? Pantene or Vive..depends on how im wearing my hair
What sport do you hate the most? volleyball
What are you scared of? open closets
How many tvs do you have in your house? too many
Do you have your own? yep
Do you have your own phone line? no
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no i sleep with my care bear blanket :]
Have you ever broken or fractured a bone? yeah my arm
Who do you tell your dreams to? usually krystina or becky or whoever was in it
Who is the loudest friend you have? Krystina...most definetly
Who is the quietest friend you have? Julie. even though she isnt quiet at all. people just think she is
Is masterbating a sport? oh yeah
What do you enjoy doing? cheering, being on the computer and phone
What came first the chicken or the egg? thats a good question
************** YOU AND LOVE ***************
Who do you love? my friends
Do you believe in love? yes
Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? yeah
Do you have a crush on someone? yeah i guess so
Who is your crush? Jordan
Did you send this to your crush? no...
Have you been kissed? mmhm
Do you believe in love at first sight? no
Do you know who your going to marry? nope
How do you want your wedding? i dunno.
Where do you want to go on your honeymoon? cancun
What’s the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? eyes hair and teeth
What do you look for in the opposite sex? someone who is going to be there for me
******** PICK ONE - THIS OR THAT ***********
Lights on/off? depends
Sun or rain? sun
McDonalds or Burger King? mcdonalds
Scary or happy movies? scary
Back street boys or NSYNC? NSYNC!!!
On the phone or meeting in person? depends...
Paper or plastic??? plastic
Sausage or pepperoni? i dunno
Hugs or kisses? both :]
Chocolate or white milk? chocolate
Root beer or Dr. Pepper? yeah..dr pepper
Glass half full or half empty? hmm..i dunno
On tape or dvd? dvd
Cats or dogs? little dogs
Mud or jello wrestling?? jello
Sking or snowboarding? snowboarding
Diamonds or pearls? diamonds
Sunset or sunrise? Sunset
************** YOUR FAV THINGS **************
Color? orangeeeee
Food? breadsticks salad and fried
Candy? skittles
Beverage? coke
Ice cream flavor? chocolate chip cookie dough or confetti
Sport? cheerleading i guess
Animal? penguins and monkies
Radio Station? 102.7 and 96.3
Fav actor or actress? Johnny Depp and Sandra Bullock
Fav month? Juneee
Fav date? March 15th
Tv Show? Desperate House Wives andddd Laguna
Movie? Longest Yard :] and Sandlot 1 & 2
Song? Im Sprung
Scent? Curious
************ Have you ever? *****************
Loved someone so much it made you cry? no
Had your heart broken? yep, once
Drank? yep
Done drugs? nope
Had sex? nope :]
Broke the law? yep
Made yourself throw up? no way
Been in love? once
Made yourself cry to get outta trouble? yep
Been in deep trouble? yeah. it sucked
Been in an accident? mmhmm:[
Beat someone up?? nope
Driven over 100mph? yeah i thought i was gonna die
Made someone cry? hah yeah.
as always...bored