I've recently decided to write a story of oneshots, probably showing only moments in Booth & Brennan's life, although I may venture into other characters once I've gotten a few chapters done. I'm hoping this will help jumpstart my muse into writing longer chapter stories.
Here's the first one! Enjoy!
Each chapter will have a note as to the rating, timeline setting and any spoilers for that chapter.
Chapter One Title: Guilty
Rating: K+
Words: 300
Timeline/Spoilers: Up through episode 2.14 The Man in the Mansion. This chapter set during that episode.
Summary: Booth was guilty...but of what?
Note: This chapter was inspired by the promtpt '#1 Guilty' from the
Law and Order table from the
drabble123 community. Also posted on my fanfiction.net profile.
That is why you need psychiatric treatment, because you have the hots for your partner!
Ever since Sully had shown up, he’d been judging Booth’s relationship with Brennan. He had accused Booth of ‘having the hots’ for her.
Booth admits that he does have some tendencies of how he interacts with Brennan that are unlike how he interacts with anyone else.
He would watch her cross the street to make sure she made it safely to the other side.
He was willing to share with her a secret that was so dark that he tried to keep it buried within himself.
He’d put his hand on the small of her back, because for some inexplicable reason he seemed to have trouble going for a long time without touching some part of her.
He was willing to break the law for her at the risk of losing his only way of easing his conscience.
He’d put his own life at risk to save hers, even if it meant threatening a known gang leader.
He’d do anything for her, really. So he supposed that if having ‘the hots’ for his partner meant that he loved her, then he was guilty as charged.
Chapter 2