Sep 01, 2008 15:29
Is anyone else having trouble with LJ cuts lately? Because today I'm trying to go around and clean up my journal, and I try to redo some of the tags on old entries as well as put some links in for the next chapters for some of my fanfiction, and after I edit & save it it will not keep the story in the cut when I go check it on my journal. For some crazy reason, it just will not keep the cut there. I've tried re-cutting it by cutting the text out, putting a new cut and pasting the words into it, BUT NO. It REFUSES to cooperate.
And for some reason, it's only if I try to put a new link in. It doesn't seem to care about me adding/changing the tags, just if I try to add a link. UGH.
Anyone else having trouble, or does LJ just hate me today?
askdjfaoi;sjdflkasjodifjLSKDJFI;OAJSDLKFJAOISJDOIJ !!!!!!*#@^$@*(%)_*%@&&$^@&^@)(!_*&@*(
I am extremely annoyed.