I've written lesson plans before, but those were all theoretical... as in, I never actually USED them.
So, my mentor teacher asked me to give a mini lesson on Friday, my last day there. She suggested I review grammar with them, but they're starting on Romantic poetry, and that's my faaaavorite, so I asked if I could do that instead. She said to write up my ideas and email them to her. Here are the ideas... PLEASE tell me what you think. I have a fear I'm going to get an email from her saying, "GG, you have good ideas but they're just not doable in this HS class" or something like that... or "I'd rather you do ______" ...Ehhhhh.... Help!!
1. Poetic Devices
a. "While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, / As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. "
b. Discuss alliteration, repetition, meter, rhythm
i. Using the above quote as example for all.
ii. Musical qualities of poetry
c. Music of "The Raven"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV8BCHlQ2ww <---Amazing composition of the poem to music!! -so want to use this-
d. Maybe students write short on-the-fly poem? (like, five to eight lines) using one or two of said poetic devices. . .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3aoZTjXkd0 <--Annabel Lee set to music. . . Not as awesome as the Raven song, but still good. Maybe use? :D :D
2. Parts of Speech Review
a. Can type up a short fill-in-the-blank review sheet for this.
i. Not sure the best format for this, though.
b. Verbally review eight parts
i. Define
ii. Ask for examples?
c. --really, I'm not sure how to go about this one. Advice? :) --
I also take advice in general! :) All guidance is accepted!