Jan 21, 2005 16:31
So i started classes this week and its all very interesting. I really wasnt very happy with my classes the first couple of days but then things got better. i just was really spoiled with my GSI's and professors last semester but i realized that things will get better. i absolutely love being back in physics so thats good and i am in this extreme liberal class that i though a bit too much but now i think it will be really interesting.
in other news, i still dont know about my mom but she should find out today. keep your fingers crossed for the best.
last night i hung out with andrew and am very proud of myself for coming home and not getting drunk.
sam is coming tomorrow, YAY!!!! and maybe amy? we'll see. anyways, not much news here. that'll prolly change though after the weekend. love you all and miss you if you're not here now.
Peace, free tibet 2007, go habitat for humanity, help the tsunami victims, save the hubble, and never forget the blue in 2008.