Dec 06, 2004 00:00
So my funk is still gone, that makes me happy. and it's gonna stay gone for a wait FOREVER yeah you heard me. So if you ever see me and I'm in a funky mood slap me you now have permission. Also I decided I'm gonna remember my dreams now, not only that but I'm working toward lucid dreaming(realizing your in a dream and consciously controlling that dream. SIGH* I think I need, (No wait I cant put it in words) is it wrong to think my friends arnt (no I sound like a jackass)(normaly if anybody did this to me I would be pissed off but I'm still doing it to you imagine that)
(he he sometimes I have a much easier time expressing my self with my quotes than with my own words)
The importance of childhood memories - feeling connected and loved. How our most basic need for security influences our self worth.