Nov 25, 2004 22:01
my funk has ended and will never ever come back insert sigh of relief here
needless to say I've had a good HA I actually started writing christmas when I meant to say thanksgiving so good thanksgiving. Yester year I stayed at a friends house (and hear I thought I was going to do nothing all break). WOW I need to catch up on the sleep. I ate so much and reinforced the fat american stereotype... oh well I deserved it after a month of vegan(what deserved it thats why were fat americans cuz we give food as awards if you eat your dinner you get desert oh well stupid americans) some thing not desire able happened some body erased the west wing I recorded oh well I will survive. I think I'm going to try political science as a major it will be cool. OO my friends sister decided that when I say "your mom" there gonna hit me and I like it wont cost me anything. and that way if I want a pretty girl to hit me all I say is "your mom" damn I'm a genius. Talked to Krys about a road trip she says skiing in colorado skydiving in california and some thing else in florida. And I say we need to set a date and commit to it DO IT. you know who you are. GReat Day the Righteous march in. WOW GREAT DAY IS RIGHT. sigh of relief number 2 here.
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach out for another is to risk involvement.
To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self.
To place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To live is to risk dying.
To try is to risk failure.
But risks must be taken, for the greater hazard is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
They may avoid suffering and sorrow, but they cannot learn, change, grow, love, live.
Chained by their attitude they are a slave, they have
forfeited freedom.
Only the person who risks is free.
~Leo Buscagalia
All I have to say is WOW
love you all
Michael "The Rock"