Well, in an effort to put a smile on the faces of all diehard Gilmore-fic readers, this week's topic is:
Thus, go find your fav NC-17 fics and bring them on over here. Then make sure your boss isn't standing over your shoulder and ... go nuts (hee).
The Chronicles of Change by starqueg
Countdown by outtabreath
Late Night Visit by miss junkie
Luke Comes For Breakfast by ch19777
Lux et Veritas by Knowhere (Rory/Jess) AU
Mayflies by cuppajoe (Rory/Logan, mid-7.05)
Regular Coffee by
iheartbridges So...Good Call by Mrs_Dionysius_O_Gall
Sometime in the Summertime by llanoestacado/
cmbarrytx Wish Come True by outtabreath (L/L/Rachel)
Working Blue by evenangelsfall24 (Rory/Logan, mid-The UnGraduate)
Additionally - great apologies for the state of this list recently.
sosmitten23 has been doing a great job keeping our head above water while I have dropped balls all over the place (okay, again: hee). We have a few topics tentatively lined up, but continue to suggest new topics, and we will keep trying to post them in a timely manner.
Happy fic-ing!