Hi, we're back! Sorry that we've been neglecting this site, but between the end of summer and the start of school, it's been a little crazy. We'll do our best to keep up with it now.
On that note, here's the topic: Fluff.
You don't have to be spoiled to know that there's going to be some sadness in the upcoming season, so let's end the summer with a big blast of happiness. We've done a smuff category, but we haven't had a chance to recommend all those fluffy, sappy stories that just make us smile. Recommend away!
Cheese by vegiburger
Good Wood Day,
Ringing In and anything else by outtabreath. Warning: these are adult stories.
Like You Mean It by My Only Carriage
Night and Day by netherfield
Of Order Pads and Open Shirts by
cinefille These Everyday Magic Moments by