Victim of fraud!

Apr 05, 2007 06:38

Normally, it's me who helps the fraudsters out. Yesterday, the fraudsters decided to screw me over. I bought 68 pounds (yup) of fish yesterday. Why? Because I was bullied at my door, and somehow, a man entered my home, and placed all this crap on my kitchen counter (and I can't tell you how he know where the kitchen was), and I repeatedly said I didn't want to buy it, I didn't want that much, I couldn't afford it, and yet - I wrote him a cheque for £380. And considering I can't afford to pay my petrol at the moment, I'm really angry. He represented himself as a limited, VAT registered company, and then told me if I pay cash there's an additional discount because then he doesn't need to bank the money (ie, he sort of launders it), and that he doesn't deal with VAT invoices, although he claims to be registered. There was also the fraudulent representation of his goods as fresh fish, never frozen - apparently he buys it from some guy up north, who packs it all up, labels it, with a use by date, and he repackages it, removes all the labels, and sells it as his own - another fraud.

I realised he'd also overcharged me (or at least his caclulations weren't working for me), so I went to try to find him, and ran into some rather nice people down the road who've had a similar problem. I was told to stop the cheque immediately, and call trading standards, and we exchanged details. She later got the bloke's car registration and we'll be sharing information this weekend, I expect.

So I've canceled my cheque, and looked into contract law, which says that if he's fraudulently represented himself and his product, the contract becomes voidable. I, as the innocent party, can then break the contract legally. Therefore, he has no grounds to sue me... And I'm going to call my contacts at the Inland Revenue and ask them what to do to get him prosecuted for tax evasion. I did tell the guy I worked in tax fraud.

If you're local - watch out for a guy selling under the name "Sachins Limited" The company "Sachins Limited" is registered in Newcastle, and runs a letting business. The restaurant of the same name in the same area is a curry house. This guy is a complete fraud.

And all that came after another wonderful day at work, in which I was told I was passive agressive, didn't have the maturity to work at manager level, or the skills, and, ever so kindly, informed that I dress poorly.

I'm just about to send my CV to Ernst & Young in Reading. Fantastic.

Happy Easter all.
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