Oct 06, 2002 19:27
Hey All!
As you can see it has been almost a month since I lasted posted here, but life's been pretty busy. I am now officially substitute teaching in 3...YES that's right,3! different school districts, as well as keeping my part time job at the LT. Besides obiviously keeping busy working I am also occupying my time with a new man. A great guy who treats me better than anyone I have ever dated. For those of you non-believers ...he proves that are still some good, nice guys out there ;) Hmmm...what else? what else? Oh yeah I am super excited about Jen and I moving in together. We began apartment hunting on Saturday and that's the first step right ;) Don't get me wrong I will miss my sissy like crazy, but it's not like she won't be visiting ever chance she gets :)
For the first time in a really long time I am truly happy. It seems like forever since that has happened. So many trials and tribulations have been thrown my way in the past couple months and I have overcome them. Each one has helped to build my inner strength. THat probably sounds so corny to a lot of you, but that's cool. No where in these journals does it say it has to make sense to the rest of the public ;) It only has to make sense to me. As my Aunt Barb keeps saying...I'm growing up. I guess that's true we all have to do it sooner or later. *LOL* I think that I have just become more accepting. I figure whatever cards I get dealt shitty or not....they are all dealt to me for a reason. My life experiences shape me ...make me the person you all love...or make me the person who annoys you ;)...make me an individual.
Like a told someone a couple of weeks ago...we all make mistakes in our lives, but they shape us into the people we've become. Good or bad ...we learn from them and I can't judge someone for the way they used to be or the choices they made before they had some type of relationship with me. I can only judge them by what I see...the person who stands in front of me and the actions they make or take in my presence. To judge them for their pasts is unfair because in their past there were different circumstances and I wasn't a part of them. I wouldn't want people to judge me for the person I used to be or make assumptions about the Josie they knew back in elementary or high school. The Josie I am now is different...changed by experiences and I want people to judge me by what they see know. Whether they view me as a goofball, good friend, good listener, thoughtful freak ;) or even as a bitch. Everyone will make their own assumptions and own opinions based on what they read, see, or experience with me now. Not by things that happened years and years ago...because if people judge you by your past they are not really giving you a chance. They need to judge you for the present...here and now...and if they are able to do that the result is amazing. If we always looked to people's past to judge the kind of person they were then, we are missing out and someone who could be a truly special and amazing would be lost. Ok, I'm done being thoughtful and rambling on. Have a good week and remember no matter what every choice you make , every experience you have, makes you the person you are today, this minute, right now.