Nov 28, 2007 21:10
So, I suppose I'll post a little more often than never. Cycling nerding it up I suppose!
Thanksgiving marked the 1000 mile mark on my Industry Nine wheels. Stan's ZTR rims are holding up great, I have not flatted once- although I've heard air leak out for a couple revolutions while riding. One cut I noticed was about a quarter of an inch, and sealed up fast! Very nice. My front rim has taken a major beating though, I've basically had to true it once a month thanks to 30+mph descents, and a few rocks have been kind enough to put two major dings into the rim as well. Surprised it's holding air still!
With the major milestone passed, I decided to tear the freehub apart for some maintenance. I9's pdf file is amazingly well written for those not mechanically inclined, I of course skimmed it over and dove right into the greasy internals. Of the hundreds of freehubs I have serviced, I must say this is the finest one I have worked on, and ridden of course. Everything is well thought out, and very simply. Nothing falls apart, tiny allen screws hold the pawls and springs in their place at all times. The bearings are a tight fit, but not to the point where it is difficult to work on. 20 minutes later my hub was clean as a whistle, lubed up and back on the bike. Finally I have that signature BZZZZZZZZ I9 is known for, which was previously muffled from over-greasing from the factory.
Tomorrow shall be an epic night ride, and we'll put the fresh hub to the test, along with my new Night Rider MiNewt light, I've been commuting with it for 2 weeks but have yet to get any trail time on it. Should prove to work out great as it's been amazing on the road so far!