I have been laying games since i was a youngin', and most games you have to play by your self. Which is ok in some instances. But i do like Playin 2 player it is more funner....hehehe not even a correct word. Any who....as of more recent years the number of games that is 2 player has been deminishing which does suck. Well i wasn't much for MMO's caz they cost money, and espically how things are now a days paying every month for service is kinda dumb. Espeically if you arn't on all the time. Well the Free ones are the way to go.
I just now started playing Wonderland from Igg....
(lets add some pics shall we)
Click on the pic to go to the page(sign up it is FREE!!!)
Well the only thing right now with it they are in closed beta.... but they actually have activatiion codes availabul caz sooo many people want to play....i am just not sure where they are. But still even if you can't get into the closed beta just make an account for when it does come up.
any who....continuing on... to start you get 12 characters to choose from which they are all visually customisable(hair, eyes, skin, undies...????hehe) and out of all of them i picked Daniel(which you don't have to keep that name either is it is the defalt)
and then he turned into this ->
(and BTW clothes don't stay like this, you get loads more later.)
His name is Jeneshisu. That is the Romanji'd form of Genesis. I am playing crisis core for the PSP right now and he is my favorite character. Any who his looks. I know the character it's self has brown hair but i like him with red and his undies are black to match the main suit under the jacket. And eyes are blue to match. He is Fire class and is a very good fighter.
well at the same time my best friend Kitty made one too His name is Tempeste(wind class). See most of the time i make male characters since they are stronger...
But as to the game it's self. here is some of the aspects of it:
1. it plays like a final fantasy. Monsters roam around and when you fight them you get taken to another battle screen....pretty strait foward. attack, magic, defend, capture(i'll expl that),escape, item, auto(it will repeat last thing you selected)
up top is your stats. and below it is your "F" short cuts. can be spells or items.
2.You capture things. And can have Pets to ride or battle with you. there will be story line people that will come with you and those are considered pets. and you can capture your enemies. Any where from and Earthworm and dragonfly to tigers and dragons. But i know you have to knock their HP down low, but i think there is something in capturing that it can't be 5lvs above you. i think any where in that range. like there is a quest that you have to get a pink earthworm for a guy and where they are pinks run about 14 and i was like 9-11 and i still can't get one. so you have to be same lv or higher to get pets.
3. Alchemy/Synthesis....i think this is the main focus of the game. you get to make stuff.... pic stuff in your inventory and combine them. Alchemy is to make stuff in your tent, synthesis is more for taking like 2 types of beans and getting a carrot. some of the stuff you put together gets some strange combinations.
4. QUESTS!!....welll yea... i do believe that is why they are MMO-RPGs....caz you gotta do stuff to move on.none are really that hard per-say. it is more just finding what the people need to complete it. but on the main page and in the fourms there is plenty of help incase you get lost on something.
Optional 5. PvP something i don't dable in unless it is a fighting game. would rather enjoy the game than have to worry about dieing and loosing my stuff.... but it is availabule if you like it
well....i think that explains what it is....uhm... here are some pics sorry if they arn't the best.:
6. Teams/Guilds....well this is kinda hard to explain. Teaming up is easy you just click on the person you want to team with and done, but there is a catch. the only thing you can do is pertisipate in battle, and you follow the person around. not bad though if you have a strong fighter and a stong magic user(but not so good atk) then you are their to aid each other in the fight. which is good. but leaving is easy to, just go into the group option an leave team to do what ever you need to and then come right back. guilds i can't tell much right now, caz you need to be lv 20 and i am almost 12....sooo.....TBC!!!
this is the main game screen...the blue things are your tents/homes. that is where you are safe from the evil of the land and can dabble in the ocult....hehehe just kidding they called alchemy bad names back then.... nothing wrong with it, just midevil science that is all. the mini map, chat screen, item stuff. stuff to do with combat and trading.
and their are hot springs around the world, it is like resting only there is this great thing you go in with clothes and then suddenly BAM they gone. and when your'll all healed and leave they magically come back.
ohhh...our mystery man..."who could it be now...da da da da da...who can it be now" hehe i love 80's music.... but yea... who is he....yea he may be a bishi but maybe our villian.... o_O maybe sooo....
ohh no...sheepies of different colors.....and when yo click on them they "Baaaahhhh" hhe most animals do anys ways.... and beez....they suck.... and hurt BTW.
certain times when you are having conversations you'll see a full body shot of your character....and what ever you do to the physical looks(like when you make them eyes, hair, etc) it shows up here....soo i got awesome red hair and blue eyes....ohh and when you fight it makes facial expressions... it is funny to watch.
hehe we look like zombies... ohh behind us is our pets ... but i think we are in my tent caz we were in this cave lving up and needed to break.... either sitting or laying will restore your HP and SP fast.(better then using all your items.
sooo any who.... try it out either in closed beta or when it goes live. very much fun i like it.... now mind you it is in closed beta so dumb stuff happens don't worry about it... that is what this section in the game is about. but join in and have fun. if you need the link again www.wl.igg.com