The best intentions are fraught with disappointment

Jul 27, 2005 14:15

I find that I only post when I am really bummed out, rather than when I am doing well. That is just too damn bad.

I was really excited to go to see The Island today with Adam (and various and sundry other hangers-on and misc. friends and whatnot), but the more people get added to the fray, the more our plans morph until I don't think I will able to attend at all. There are people coming that I have never met, who have significant others whom I have never met. These people and their others have schedules that are apparently incompatible with the timeframe set for this event. As in, someone's fiance is working until nine and Taylor is working until after 7 and we wanted to see a Director's Hall showing at 7PM. We then pushed it to 8PM for Taylor, and now we might have to go to a 10:15PM to accommodate the fiance (at a different theater, mind you). I think we should just go now. :)

I am already close to tears today (damn hormones), having watched a movie that made me cry this morning. I really am not glad my plans are falling apart.

We just got a phonecall for the mysterious Chandra Piercy (the owner of this property?) - I said what I was told, that she is out of the country. I think she is really dead and our landlord buried her in the backyard. That must be why Kaleb keeps running all over the back deck-she smells the dead lady. Man I am morbid.
I think I should do Yoga. I need to get my head together today and whip my ass into submission.

Things to do this year:
1. Get a new job that pays more than my current mess
2. Find a place to live that is comfortable and dog-free
3. Learn a new language
4. Get a boyfriend (and keep him)
5. Fit into size 4's again
6. Go to the dentist
7. Act. (at least a little)
8. Go out in LA more
9. Read my Bible
10. Make more lists

It's official, I am sad today. I have a nice mixture of disappointment, sadness, loss and pessimism. At least I can still breathe, but even that hurts a little. I am sick of pretending to be so damn happy all the time. Laughter is fine, but kinda like a bandaid on a gunshot wound. Exercise will help - at least it is a proactive measure against depression. I need to stop thinking. I am going to go fill my mind with something else. Sorry about all this.
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