Gone too long this time...

Jan 31, 2005 12:01

It's been quite a long hiatus since I posted last. I suppose I could come up with some bland excuse about how I was giving my life a chance to come up with something interesting, but the truth is, I am lazy. I have been working, coming home, hanging out, sleeping, working, etc. On the upside, Amanda had her baby (which most everyone is already well aware of, I'm sure) and Stacy's wedding is in a mere 2 weeks. My mother is in town, and we are going to hang out and get my room in order (yikes) and remove all the wallpaper and paint and spackle and whatnot...I am just awfully tired to work on all that today BEFORE I then have to go in and work for 8-9 hours on my feet. My achilles tendon on my left leg is TOTALLY sore and I can't imagine it is just from working, but it isn't like I run marathons in my spare time, you know?

All my roommates are back from their weekend retreat at Mammoth (including the blasted dog-beast, without whom life is SOOOOO very peaceful). I must say, I cherished the relaxation this weekend brought me. I only wish it was like this all the time. Not that I don't like them, 'cause I do...it is just...let's say I play well with FEWER others...

Anna and I have been splurging this week. Twice we went out to eat (Chili's and then Paradise to visit Andy), and we saw The Phantom of the Opera. It was WONDERFUL. Poor Anna. She is not a fan of Broadway shows, and for all its glamorous visuals, excellent cast and special effects, it is still quite plainly a Broadway show. If I could sing this post, I would. **wink**

I suppose I should go get ready and pick up mother. I just am not ready for the constant onslaught of deep spiritual delving for the next week. I feel rather superficial by comparison, but I am just a bit more surface than she, and need some detox time. I cannot dwell FOREVER in the heavenlies, or at least, I assume not.

So...now I am just stalling. Bite the bullet! I'm off.
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