May 18, 2007 21:54
Until this fall, I have taken a vow of silence regarding the 2008 election. I won't read, watch, listen to, or write anything about it (baring some extremely controversial or influential event). This, however, will be my one exception. I am saying this because thinking about the leadership in America, one might go insane. Refusing to fund troops during a time of war, throwing our borders wide open (at least that's what it feel like), stuffing bills with millions of dollars worth of pork, I could go on and on. And it needs to stop. So, to whomever is privileged enough to win the presidency in 2008, I am asking you do four things. Four things that you need to do in order to put this country, and the world, back on track. [Listed in order of importance]
1. Win The War
The world is facing a horrible enemy, the likes of which we have never seen before. One who is willing to strike anywhere, without regard to their own lives, or the lives of innocent civilians. One who does not care about anything but winning. One who is willing to use chemical, biological, nuclear, and technological weapons in order to achieve their goal. These people are fanatics, and will stop at absolutely nothing to defeat not just America, but the entire civilized world.
Please do everything in your power to defeat the jihadists and help save the world.
2. Promote Peace, Health, And Education
This world is a messed up place, and sometimes people need to be reminded to play nice. Ignorance of other people should be fought, as should discrimination and prejudice. But the world is not entirely negative. There are still great advances in medicine, technology, and science that are happening. These advances need to be encouraged, as does the education of American children, and protecting the enviroment. Basically, I want you to try and make the world a better place for the next generation, and the one after that.
Please do everything in your power to promote peace, tolerance, science, technology, education, health, and enviromental awareness in the world.
3. Reduce The Government
Our national government has become way, way too big. Even Bush, who claims to be a conservative, has expanded it. If some government programs were downsized (such as social security) or privatized (such as the postal service), and pork spending were eliminated, that would greatly help to reduce the size of the national government.
Please do everything in your power to limit the size of the national government.
4. Fight Corruption
Bribes, scandals, pork spending...members from both parties have been guilty of these things. Not only is a corrupt government bad, but people also hate it, and for good reason. Corruption sucks, and leads to a more bloated government. Not to mention that the politicians no longer represent their constituents, but donors and lobbyists instead. [Note: I am not saying that the entire government is corrupt. But a large portion of the system is, if not many politicians themselves.]
Please do everything in your power to fight government curruption.
Now, someone might be looking at this list thinking, "What about abortion, or gun control, or gay marriage, or the war on drugs, or a number of other issues." To them I say this: Abortion will never be completely illegal, and even as it is now, it could be worse. While there may be some limits on guns, we still have the second amendment. If they repeal that, then I'll worry. (Hell, if that gets repealed, there will be a freaking revolution). Homosexuality is already accepted on a general scale, just not in terms of the institution of marriage. But that is an outdated and archaic institution anyway. The war on drugs is just fucking stupid, but even the most liberal of countries outlaw some drugs. As for the rest, I am a big picture kind of guy. Win (or at least actually fully commit to fighting) the war, clean up and limit the government, and attempt to do some good in this crazy, fucked up world. Whatever your race, sex, gender, religion, marital status, or political affiliation, if you promise to do these four things, I guarantee that you'll get my vote.
election 08