"The piss on the troop's heads and tell them it's raining" resolution

Feb 16, 2007 17:53

Update: Captain's Quarters has much more, and via Austin Bay is this gem from Giuliani:

As Giuliani noted: “What I don’t get is the nonbinding resolution. I don’t get that. In the business world, two weeks spent on a nonbinding resolution would be considered nonproductive.” He also called it “a comment without making a decision.” (emphasis mine)

That title come from a post over at Blackfive, which lambastes the cowards who voted for this bullshit resolution.

This is a sad day and we must make those responsible for it pay. The deep-seated hatred of W has blinded these people to the consequences of their actions. Just because they throw themselves to the floor kicking their feet and wailing doesn't change a damn thing in the reality-based world. If they succeed in ending the war and declaring defeat they will have effectively hobbled our diplomatic efforts as well. Not that I am a big fan of formalized lying in formal wear, but to have any success in that arena, the threat of force is vital. We will lose that and bad actors around the globe will be aware that the big dog is chained up if the Dems have their way.

Victory Caucus has a list of the 17 Republican Congressmen who decided to vote for the resolution (aka end their careers). There were also two Democrats who did the right thing, and voted against.

Instapundit has a roundup.

Finally, the resolution itself. (H. CON. RES. 63)

iraq, congress

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