EDIT: Whoops, I left out the important bit - the instructions. Surely it doesn't matter, because everyone will have seen this on about a billion other LJs already, but just in case - leave a comment and I will do the following
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1 - You're living proof that not everyone in Wellington is up their own arse. 2 - Boston - More Than a Feeling / City of Lost Children 3 - I admire your self-confidence. 4 - Not strictly the first memory, chronologically, but it's too good an anecdote to discard: hanging out in a dodgy hotel spa pool containing so much chlorine that your brand new dark blue swimsuit came out pale pink. Why did we all think that was a good idea? 5 - Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins 6 - How are you liking being a (gasp!) divorcee? 7 - That's a bit hard, cos there are lots of good ones. It's a three-way tie between , and
2 - Boston - More Than a Feeling / City of Lost Children
3 - I admire your self-confidence.
4 - Not strictly the first memory, chronologically, but it's too good an anecdote to discard: hanging out in a dodgy hotel spa pool containing so much chlorine that your brand new dark blue swimsuit came out pale pink. Why did we all think that was a good idea?
5 - Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins
6 - How are you liking being a (gasp!) divorcee?
7 - That's a bit hard, cos there are lots of good ones. It's a three-way tie between
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