Jun 03, 2004 23:48

oh shit oh shitttt!! today was fun!! =D The love of my liFe *Joseph Robert Player* called me outta the damn blue today!! omg.. i was so happy to hear from him! we talked on the phone for about.. hmm 2 hours!!!!! lol... im so pissy - i thought he was coming home this summer for a lil bit.. but uhh its definitely next summer.. yeah when he told me that i seriously started crying!!

AHHH i miss him soo much!! =\

OMG.. i watched that fucking video of that Iraqi soldier dude sawing that Israeli mans head off.. omg.. it was terrible.. i honestly started FLIPPING out.. they show it alllllllll... theres blood everywhere, and then when they finally cut the whole head off, they pick the head up by the hair and like put it up to the camera, it was HORRIBLE!!

anywaysss... around 7:45ish Erica came and picked me up and we went over Aaron's house because he was havin' a BBQ and a bonfire!! yeah.. it was fun!! lol.. Mark brought this double chair thin.. and i was sitting on the part that connects the 2 chairs.. and um.. my fat ass definitely like broke it when i sat on it!! HAHAHAHA it was soo funny!! WOW.. i had a roasted marshmellow for the first time in like 4 years tonight.. Hmm... it was EXQUISITE! LOL THANK YOU MARK! =D

Then we left Aaron's around 9ish and went over to Jason's house.. him and Tim were there.  We watched that fuckin spelling bee shit cz i wanted to see the lil chinky boy faint, but we didn't see it.. so we turned on the Flames vs. Lightning game.. hopefully Calgary won!! woo hoo!! Then we left Jason's house and me tim and jas went to get tim's car keys and then Tim drove me home.. so i come home and Todd is like dancing around like a fuckin maniac lmao.. hes insane!!!

well.. im gonna go to bed now!! aww shit.. i dont have to be to school untill 9!! WOOOO FUCKIN HOO.. FUCK THAT HONORS BULL SHIT! LOL

-x O x-
* G * A * B* S *

oh shit.. its fucking almost summer time bitches.. its time to get fucked up everynight and have WILD orgies!!! what.. did i just say that? i mean... its time to get fucked up and party!! lmao.. hahahhahahahaahhahahaaha jk guys.. shesh dont get all bent outta shape!!! =)
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