Twilight/Isle Esme Fan fic

Apr 14, 2009 13:44

Just a little snippet of the honeymoon scene from the book breaking dawn.  This is written from Edwards POV....

I was going to upload the pdf, but I changed and added a few things... so here it is...if you want to read it... :P  Been an awful long long time since I did this... so ... if it sucks. so be it.  dont take it, dont post it elsewhere, I will kick your fracken ass! :P

Title: Vampires aren't always the brightest bulbs in the box
Author: Gflady2
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to Stephenie Meyers. I only claim what I have written here, it was her beautiful imagination that gave me the temptation to open up word and write again.
Category: Twilight/fan fic
Type: romance
Rating: R
Characters: Edward Cullen/Bella Cullen
Warnings: sex scene
Brief Summary: After reading the book, I totally fell in love with these two and I wanted, no I needed just a bit more. I wanted to hear it from Edwards point of view, I may add some more... but we will see, its already 8 pages long and of course, as I copy paste, I am adding things.


I laid my clothes over the curved tree and walked through the sand towards the water with fear rising from the pit of my stomach. I had promised her that we would try. Try. What the hell was I thinking, this was just insane. I was nervous, one wrong touch, one wrong move and it would all be over. If my heart had the capability to beat, it would be pounding out some awful speed metal song right about now. I closed my eyes. Bella. This was Bella, the love I had waited for all my life…and then some. I could do this, I could be careful. I let every scenario rush through my head, don’t do this, don’t do that, control yourself. Nothing was making my breathing any easier and nothing was making my head stop spinning.

I slowly moved my hand through the water even though I could barely feel its warmth against my cold as stone hand. At least it would keep her warm as I held her against me.

Insanity. Pure and simple.

My chin lifted towards the moon and I felt a heavy sigh release. I had to admit it though, deep in my heart, even though it no longer sounded out steady beats, I was anxious as all hell. Focus, Edward. Yes, focus.

"Insanity," I mumbled as I stared at the full moon. Maybe, just maybe, the soft, big bed had called her name and she slid easily between the covers into a deep sleep? No, you promised, it was all I could hear in my mind, her small voice, her pleading eyes, over and over again. I closed my eyes and breathed in, though I didn’t really need the air. I could feel myself calming remembering the way she looked as she came down the stairs to marry me. Me.

If I could of cried real tears, I would of. Instead, I choked back the sobs but I know that Emmett heard me. I'm sure all of my family did, but he was the only one to say anything.

Dude? Are you crying? He chuckled in his mind.

I glared at him from the corner of my eye, never taking my attention away from Bella as she made her way down the stairs on her fathers arm, her eyes down. No doubt she was concentrating on the steps, one by one… and the sight of her! That dress, her hair, she reached the bottom and turned towards me, the smile on her face, the look in her eye, the blush of her cheeks. It was all for me. She did this for me.

Shut up Emmett, I mumbled back at him, look at what I see and you tell me you wouldn’t be moved to tears.…

I watched as Emmett turned his head slightly to see Bella descend the stairs, he grinned, then sighed, yeah, alright, I’ll give you this one.

Thank you Alice, there are no words for me right now. I smiled to my lovely little sister as she took her place across from me. Having skin of stone wasn’t really helping. I was waiting, waiting to hear the cracks that would form on my cheeks from the smile I just could not contain. Bella wasn’t that far away from me now, a few more steps and her hand would be in mine. Bella, my Bella.

You’re very welcome, Alice sang. She is absolutely stunning yes?

I blinked out of habit, not out of necessity, though I didn’t want to, I didn’t want to miss one minute of this lovely creature that walked towards me. She was mine. All mine. Yes, I sobbed again.

All I could do was hold out my hand as they approached and Charlie casually placed Bella's on top of mine. She didn’t cringe, she never did. Charlie seemed less aware of the fact that he was handing his daughter over to a blood thirsty killer. I could feel the sadness in his heart as he gave her over to me and I could hear in his mind the words as he looked into my eyes, take care of her. Bella just smiled as we turned to face Pastor Weber, her cheeks a rosy red, I was truly going to miss that.

My mind moved back to the here, the now. There was a mass of uncertainty in my mind, like… what had I done to deserve this, to deserve…her, Bella. I was sure that I was the one that was getting the better deal here though. She was ready and she was willing to give up everything for me. Bella agreed to wear my ring, agreed to school, the car, the wedding, her life… could I not be the victor here? She would be mine, for all eternity. How was it, that as I stood in the water, waist high, letting my hands slowly move over the small ripples of waves that I was absolutely one hundred percent petrified and totally unsure of what I was doing…or going to do shortly.

Because, I love her more than anything, I love her so much I will give her what she wants. I will try, for she is everything. I smiled. Yes, she is everything. I managed to calm myself with that one even though I couldn’t deny it. I wanted her too, just as much as she wanted me. I would be careful, I would be aware, I would not hurt her. I repeated it over and over and over again until I heard her feet walking softly through the sand. It was almost like she was tip toeing. I looked up at the moon again and let my hands float along the top of the water.

Slight splashes as she waded out to me but I couldn’t turn, not yet. Control. I could feel her behind me, her warm hand lightly laid on top of mine sending a thousand fireworks racing through my veins, they burned right through my hollow core of a body.

"Beautiful," she said. Her voice gave no indication of nervousness at all, was I the only one who, if I could, was sweating bullets?

"Its all right," I answered. She really had no idea did she? I twisted my fingers around hers letting the pins and needles flow freely up my arm and shoot through me, “but I wouldn’t use the word beautiful. Not with you standing here.”

Bella laid her hand on my chest and I wanted to scream, no run. For so long I had been so careful never letting myself get this deep. So close that I could actually hurt her. But here I stood helpless, her small hand laid gently on my skin that was like a block of ice, sending splintering shivers through my body. She never gave any indication that the cold bothered her, her shivering teeth was the only give away. I had chosen the right place, this was perfect for us both. Even though I didn’t need the air, I tried, but I could barely breathe.

My body tensed under the warmth of her fingers, "I promised we would try. If," I stuttered, oh god, please, don’t let me hurt her. Focus, focus Edward, "if I do something wrong, if I hurt you, you must tell me at once."

She nodded in agreement with me. I couldn’t feel a tense bone in her body yet I seemed to be full of nothing but total paranoia. Her heart beat was strong, but steady. Be aware. Always be aware of every touch, of every kiss, of every breath and every beat of her heart. Bella stepped towards me and laid her head on my chest, "don’t be afraid," she mumbled, "we belong together."

I wrapped my arms around her. She was right. I knew from the moment I heard her mumble my name in her sleep that she was right. We did belong together even if it was against all the odds. I forced everything else out of my mind except her, all my thoughts, all my worries, everything but my own self control on reining in my strength. "Forever," I said as I slowly moved us into deeper water.

Bella, my Bella. There was a fire raging in my veins, like nothing I ever felt before. Nothing compared to the burn of changing from human to immortal, nothing like the thirst I first felt that day in class when the placement of a fan blew her scent in my direction. This was something new, something I had never in all my years experienced. This was love at the highest level, desire at its core and it was all because of her, her smell, her kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body close to mine.

It took all I had not to rip her apart and not in the vampire way either, I needed her so badly that my whole body ached. I wanted her so much, I pulled her against me almost too tightly as I gently sucked her lower lip between my cold ones, the taste was sweet, warm, inviting, screaming my name. She let out a light gasp. Should I stop? She pulled me closer and mumbled against my lips.

"Edward," she sighed, "I love you so much."

If, and here we go again, I had a heart, it would of exploded right there as she pulled me against me and wrapped her long legs around my waist. I groaned deep in my throat and twisted my fingers in her long dark hair. Closer, I needed to be closer to her and I could feel her need to be closer to me.

Months and months and months I had fought this demon only now to surrender all I had… with caution of course… to her.

“Bella," I managed to squeak out as I began to move against her soft warm body. Go slow, go slow. She slightly pulled away from me then pressed her chest against mine. Soft warm kisses moved across my jaw, towards my neck. Tiny pricks of heat flashed through me, and for one amazing moment I swear my stomach flipped over. My toes felt like they were on fire, seriously? Is this normal? I closed my eyes and in one aching moment the fire shot through my entire body to one particular place leaving only the pin pricks where my hands rested on her back and her thighs gripped tightly around my waist.

I took hold of her upper arms and lightly pushed her away from me to stare into her eyes, those deep dark chocolate colored eyes. Her face was flush with red as she looked up at me through long lashes. For all that is holy, I let it out, a deep growl, but it wasn’t a growl of anger, or thirst, it was a growl of need. I tightened my grip and pressed my lips against hers kissing her hard. I could feel her legs wrap around me tighter still and I had the urge, no….the unbelievable craving to be inside her, in one instant, in one second it was like my thirst I needed it now. Now.

The warm water slapped against us and I felt her reach between us, pushing me back every so slightly to run her fingers down my chest, oh groan. I could barely keep the urge to drag her through the water onto the beach and ravage her like a disgusting pirate on a pillaging spree let alone do any kind of physical work on this situation. Her warm fingers wrapped around me tightly and I stopped breathing. She licked my neck and mumbled my name twirling her fingers in my hair as she slowly pressed against my hardness. I dug my fingers into her back, began breathing again but realized it was coming out in quick fast huffs.

‘Bel…la,’ I stuttered as she slowly eased me inside her. My skin was hard like granite, my color was white as snow but I swear to god, at that moment, that one shining moment as I slipped deep inside of this woman, my wife, I felt heat, warmth. Human. Every ounce of my being, eyes closed, teeth grinding together, I felt real. I felt complete.

If there was truly a hell, hell would consist of being told to stand next to you, but I could not touch, I could never feel this again; the warmth of you, the smell and taste of your very being. It would be hell knowing what I know now, what I feel at this very moment inside you, that I could look but never touch. Yes, that would be hell.

"Edward," she groaned and pressed against me as her fingers dug into my hard skin. It almost sounded like, scraping, though it was as light as a feather drifting over my back. I lifted my hips against her and she moaned making me tighten my grip, careful, easy, breathe you idiot! I pushed my hand between us, ran my hand over her ribs, up her body and rubbed my fingers over her breasts. My lips crushed against hers as I moved backwards through the deep water towards the shallow. I felt her ankles tighten and lock behind me, like a death grip and I shuddered. I hope she didn’t think for one minute that this was over… no, this was far from over.

It took all I had to control myself, my hold on her, not too tight, as I walked through the shallows onto the beach. I was still deep inside her as she tried to move against me.

"Edward, no," she growled as we moved down the path towards the house I could feel her tense all her muscles in her body, "don’t stop," she begged.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl. How many times had she done that? Begged me not to stop? Don’t worry Bella, not stopping. Not. I swear.

"Bed," I mumbled against her frenzied kisses and her body eased against mine in.. relief? I could’ve moved faster through the sand, I probably should of, but I was trying to concentrate. Each time I touched her, I was so…unsure. Scared almost, but this passion, this heat… having her wrapped around me like a tight fitting glove… was so hard to. Think. Bella. Warm. Groan.

I never wanted anything more than this but I would give anything to know what she was thinking, what she was feeling. Her lips moved along my jaw, towards my lips and back again. Was my grip to tight? Was the coldness of my body too much? I walked into the house, reaching over the turn off the light then made my way easily to the bed and gently lowered us down.

My vampire eyes could see perfectly, but the moon filtered through the trees and laid a beam across the room making her pale skin glow in the light. Perhaps this is what she saw of me in the sun? I know there was no comparison but at this moment, she was truly amazing to me. Her eyes looked into mine, her heart raced, her breathing became erratic. Dark eyes starred deep into mine, eyes I didn’t recognize for an instant until I saw the curl of her lips at the sides and the slight rush of red to her cheeks, "Edward," she whispered.

I almost cringed as she tightened herself around me. Bella let out a low growl as she pressed her hips against mine. I guess this was to be expected, I had left her wanting, needing so much of me but, I had to side with caution, I could allow myself no errors. Not when it came to this, to her. It was taking all I had to fight the urge inside me for, I too, was left wanting, needing, so much of her. It was almost too much to bear.

I lost all control. I forced her down into the bed with my weight as she grabbed onto my hair to pull me even closer and I pushed inside her, deep and then slightly withdrew. She moaned more and louder as I began to move at a steady pace. My hand reached down and pulled at her knee, sliding it up my side allowing myself more room. I had to be deep. I had to have every inch of her.

There was heat. I was not crazy!!! I could feel it run up and down my body like I was being shocked, no, like I was being struck by lightening. It wasn’t my skin that was on fire as I was as cold as the dead. It wasn’t what ever venom that flowed through my veins, I had no pulse but it was racing through my system like a quick flowing flood. I didn’t have a heart, there was no rhythmic beating escaping my chest. I was breathing, but I needed no air.

A frenzy was brewing inside of me as I plunged deep into Bella, over and over again. It wasn’t thirst but I felt the need to bite, I felt the need to tear at her skin. She arched her back into one of my thrusts and I hissed, yes, I hissed, and sunk my teeth into the fluffy white pillow beside her head. I tore into it letting tiny white feathers escape their casing into the air around us. I wasn’t thinking, not slowing with each grind of my hips into her warm velvet tightness, I just bit down harder into the fluffy down knowing for sure that it was not HER neck as she purred in my ear. It gave me and amazing sense of relief.

I wasn’t quite sure what she said even though I had probably the best hearing in the world. I know she said, more, don’t stop, but never, never did she say the few words I was waiting to hear and the only words that would stop this lust that raged in my body…you are hurting me.

Her breathing was becoming heavier, I lifted my head back to look into her eyes, her lips were deep red, they formed into a pucker and she breathed quickly in and out. She squeezed her eyes shut and I could feel my own insides beginning to unravel. Bella pulled against me and I let go falling on top of her mainly because I knew she could not move me even is she tried with all her might.

A slight gush of air released from her lungs but I didn’t stop as she pulled my hair and breathed heavy in my ear, "Edward, I… oh…oh…Ed….ward," she groaned.

Every breath that escaped her lips; each tug of my hair and each time her lips ran across my skin, I cried for I could feel it. The heat that burned inside of me was ready to be released. I bit down into the other pillow and struggled with all I had to hold it, just a bit longer… but, she tightened around me, trying no doubt, with all her might to squeeze me against her and she began to shudder under me. There were no words… there was nothing Emmett or Carlise could of said to prepare me for this, the ecstasy I felt. It pulsed through every fiber of my immortal existence. No, there was nothing, there was nothing at all that could ever compare to this.

The need to look upon her face as she bucked under my thrusts made me balance on one elbow and look down. My fingers gripped and yanked the sheets tossing the feathers around us. An absolute unbelievable feeling began to shudder deep in my stomach as I watched her rock her head back into the white fluffy of the destroyed pillows. She had surrendered to me.

Not for one instant did her scent draw my inner vampire demon out, nor did the racing of her pulse as it flowed so fiercely through her veins. I could see it, just there on the side of her neck, a constant throb, screaming my name so loudly it was almost hard to ignore. But at that very second, her warm legs wrapped around me, I lost all hold on reality and threw my own head back as I charged into her releasing all I had. I bucked again…and again until I felt there was nothing more left to give. I surrendered to her.

I tingled all over as I lowered my head to the curve of her collarbone and lightly kissed her skin. Her heart rate slowed, her breathing began to even out and her body began to relax under me. I gently moved to her side then pulled her against me, "Bella," I sighed running my lips over her hair and breathing in her warmth, "my Bella."

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