foofalakasingsongapplesauce with the apple jax

May 19, 2004 18:53

Today was ok i guess. I woke up, ate food, went to school, took DSTP (Dirty Stinkin Torture Program), ate more food, went 2 three classes, went to Kyle's, fucked up my hand, went home, watched TV, went on the copmuter (lol liann), watched more TV, ate some more food, uh. thats it for now i guess. GOD IM BORED. what to write what to write.................. Oh yea! I got a new AIM sn, SaVmEfRmPeNgUiNs, my baseball game got cancelled which sucks, and now im outta ideas so let me type random letters to fill up blank space. jkfllksdfklvbnkjvnafdsjgksdjg,kmvboireakglmskfdlbmvlkfdsmvb,lfamgklmg'psdfmgklmvbakfdm,lfb ,lfah kblfdmahkamgklkjagl;dkfg;lkfdsgl;kfdsl;gfdl;gkd;lfskgl;fdkgl;fdk;lk;lgkfdl;kgl;fdkgl;kfdgl;kfdlg;kfdlgk

;lfdkg;lfdkgl;dfkgl;kfdgl;fdgfdgfdkgl;fdkgl;dfk;gfdklgfd;gfd'kgl;dfkgdfg dgkdfg df;lkg;lfd df dfklgg ;' g g; l

Thats enuff

White people should give black people their wives in return for all those years of slavery.



Fear my yellow piss colored font bitch.
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