Not very profound ones though.
Given the current state of my back, major running goals aren't going to be up for review for the time being. Instead I figured I'd confess to a bad habit of mine. When I lived in China, lo those many years ago... 2002-2003 lol... I did not have internet access in my flat, nor did I have english tv, not even the Hong Kong channel. I spent a lot of time very starved for english language, which is how I got back into fanfic. However, I lacked a computer and could only do so at work. Oh the advantages of having a boss who liked me and didn't really care what I did so long as I was at work to be her token foreigner. Anyway, when I went home at night, and on my days off, I was lacking english, especially hearing it spoken by a native speaker. As much as I loved both times I lived abroad, hearing it really is something you miss. The one thing I was posessed of was a tv and dvd player in my room. There are many things are readily available in the shops in China, good cheap food, stationary, trinkets, and massive quantities of bootleg DVDs.
And so a habit started. On the morning of my first day off (usually a Monday or Tuesday because I taught weekend classes and refused to work nights) I would venture out to one of my favourite movie shops that had the biggest selection and I had managed to browbeat into giving me a better price and buy anywhere from 6-10 movies. From there I would visit one of the mega supermarkets and locate a double pringles and coke pack, some other westernish food like peanut butter and proper bread and real dairy ice cream then high tail it home for a day of complete indulgence. I would mainline the movies, rewatch with any available commentaries and devour all the bonus features. Occasionally, I would even dive into the french dubbing for a little variety.
To say I came home from China with a lot of DVDs goes without saying. To be fair, I have tried since having a proper job to go through and replace the illegal/poor quality copies I have with the proper ones. My movie collection now consists of mostly genuine DVDs. I'm very much with Mr Stephen Fry on this one, people may bootleg copies of things for a while, but when they want/can afford quality, they get the real thing because it's better. I certainly did this and am content to by the real movies that give the industry the money that keeps them making them.
What I am left with, however, is a big DVD habit... one I'm not doing a good job of keeping up with. I'm a sucker for the bargain bins a Walmart and the 2 for 15 deals at HMV and whatever other deals I can find. And with the fairly recent availability of high speed internet and a growing love for BBC shows I can only watch online because the aren't aired in Canada, I've let my watching of the movies I bring home fall by the wayside. I have a lovely TV, but I don't think I've actually turned it on in nearly two months!
So... this is the summer of the DVD backlog. I have a large stack of cases with movies that need watching. I'm going to try to make my way through it and curtail any new purchases until there's a serious dint in it. The following is my watch list. Some movies I have seen, but not watched the copy I've bought or played with the bonus features, which are in truth my favourite part. I'm such a sucker for commentaries and 'the making of' really I am.
Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Zack and Miri make a porno
The Swiss Family Robinson
Across the Universe
Not the Messiah
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Fantasia/Fantasia 2000 on BluRay
Ace Ventura Pet Detective
Duct Tape Forever
Scooby Doo Spookiest Tales
The Graduate
The Terminal
My Super Ex-Girlfriend
Independance Day
The Boy in Striped Pajamas
Mambo Italiano
School of Rock
X Men Wolverine
Get Smart
The Oceans collection
The Astronaut Farmer
The Princess and the Frog
Deathly Hallows pt 1
Season 2 of Flashforward
Die Another Day
Where the Wild Things Are
Alright, no judgements here about the selection. Some of them, I'm looking at now and wondering why I might have bought them, but that is as it is. It's a big list and I've probably got a few more hanging around that aren't sitting is this massive pile of massiveness. The procrastination ends now. This week, I'm going to mainline some Harry Potter in anticipation of the final installment and then start working through this list.
Oh the truly noble challenges I set for myself...
And the icon... well I am aware that it's not Wednesday, but I seriously miss LOST and if there is any time at the end of this, I'm going to play with my massive box set as well. A rewatch may be in order there... if I can find time somehow.