Changes 2012

Jan 30, 2013 23:27

I suppose I should have posted this a month ago, with the New Year. I'll just blame my slowness on my advancing age. So why does time keep speeding up?

As some know, my sister Ann passed away in October. It was unexpected, but not a surprise, as she suffered from a number of medical conditions that took their toll on her body over the decades, including diabetes, seizures, and strokes, and she had been in a wheelchair for several years. I had just spoken to her the previous week. It was a blessing that she died peacefully in her sleep at home.

In December, I acquired a brand new grand-nephew, courtesy of my brother's daughter-in-law. She was determined to go through a natural childbirth, but after over three days of labor, her doctor convinced her that it would be better for the baby if she agreed to a Caesarian. Had it been me, I probably would have asked for the good drugs and the surgical procedure after the first twenty minutes. For some reason, they picked the name Cooper. It's become popular in the last few years, ranking in the top 100 names given to boys in the U.S., though I don't see the appeal myself. Someone on one of the name sites said he liked being named Cooper because it was unique. Obviously, that word doesn't mean what he thinks it does.

Work has been crazy, which contributed in part to my decision to retire at the end of 2013. Now I'm reconsidering. Maybe 2014? Or 2015? Fortunately, I didn't announce my intention, so I can stay as long as I feel like it. That's a good place to be.
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