Mom and I have been doing a lot of bonding recently.
Not a "one day" type of deal where we go out, have a good time, a few laughs and then we don't get around to it again for a while. I mean going out, then actively seeking to go out the next day.
A few days ago we went shopping for fabric for some chairs, which was nice... I never thought something like that could be nice, but it was. We've had conversations about everything from the "logic" and "physics" of sci-fi, to why Shirley Jackson's "The Haunting of Hillhouse" is considered lesbian fiction (which it IS, sort of, especially the movie), to who makes a better boyfriend in the movie King Kong, Kong or Jack (I think we're still at odds about that...).
To my great surprise she seems to find the Scary Movie movies the funniest things EVER. I mean, the movies are appalling (though maybe that's too harsh), but there is something about them... especially that second one. It basically kicks the remake of The Haunting (original=1963, remake=1999) in the gonads. WORST REMAKE EVER!!! I don't think I've even gone to a movie theater and left so thoroughly PISSED! If anyone has ever seen or heard Eddie Izzard's
British vs. U.S Movies skit, well, this situations matches his description perfectly... ANYWAY, I think we'll rent Scary Movie 4 and see how that is.
This week has been particularly hectic considering we've been running around like mad getting the house dolled up for Mom's "Book Club" meeting tomorrow. She even had me pick out the wine (Pinot Noir FTW!!!). I should keep track the the alcohol content, in a "taste test" two cups had her reeeeally loopy (though it was hilarious).