Jan 07, 2007 02:14
Started reading Death By Black Hole And Other Cosmic Quandaries" after hearing an interview with author Neil DeGrasse Tyson on NPR the other day. Though mostly just for fun, I am eager to learn about what would "happen to our bodies if we fell into one," and,"the needless friction between science and religion," among other things.
The weather in Boston has broken several records these past two days. At sixty-three degrees, I found myself feeling a little anxious while sipping coffee with Holli, due I'm sure to the nostalgia this springtime weather brings. I could sure go for a dose of San Francisco right about now...
Thoughts about quitting my job have resurfaced as they do at the ebb of every new year. No thoughts on how I plan to finally make a change. I really am starting to feel like it will take a blindfold, some rope and a saint to pull me out of what I consider to be a rut of neverending impartiality. Most options seem equal these days and everything else is out of my reach..
A bit of good news, though..
During the Christmas rush, I found myself with a little bit of extra money and took it straight to the post office where I ordered my passport.
Please, please, please, give me the strength and the will to use it.