Dec 08, 2009 21:46
Hooray for not posting an entry in my LJ for 1 year. One would think that with all the milestones that occurred in the last year, I would have been posting more frequently. I guess I am becoming less reliant of the services LiveJournal has to offer. I don't really care about things that happened in the past. If it was something really good, I don't need LJ to remember it. If it was something bad, I learned a life lesson and moved on (I don't care to remember the cause, just the effect). The same basic nuances of daily life occur the same as they did in previous years, I don't have time to write them all down, and I don't think anyone is really that interested. I don't intend to ever write a memoir that I would need to reference this journal to fill in the details.
I wouldn't say that the reason for my less frequent use of LJ is because I am coming more into adulthood, since that would suggest writing in a journal is an activity for people who are not adult, which is not true. I would say that because of the activities and responsibilities that surround my adult life becoming more of a priority, I had to readjust the way I reflect on life, and that adjustment doesn't really include LJ.
I still check LJ almost daily. I belong to several communities that post about what's happening in baseball. A few friends post amusing tidbits or alert people to major life-changing events. I use my account to post comments on their entries.
There is an intimacy about LJ that is lost in other social networking outlets such as Facebook. I feel more personally connected to people here and in a private setting. Would that same feeling be there if LJ were to have the same popularity as Facebook or Twitter? Perhaps, but unless LJ has a huge resurgence, I probably won't cross that bridge. For now I will appreciate it being a nice seclusion from an ever shrinking world.
In the past I made promises to post more regularly after long periods without update. I will make no such promises now. I will continue to use LJ, but I will only update when I feel I have something that I want to share. I will, however, adjust what I feel like sharing. In order for me to feel that personal connection with my friends in this venue, I must travel the two way street and allow them into my life by writing my own journal entries. For the most part my postings will entail humorous or insightful reflections on my experiences and the occasional update of what I have been doing.
OK, I lied. I will promise one post, immediately after this one, because I owe it to inform people of the major events that occurred the past year; and there have been plenty.
See you again in a year... or maybe less... or maybe more...