Political rant

Jun 01, 2008 13:06

I'm getting sick and tired of Hillary Clinton and her bonehead supporters.

Does she have the right to keep on going with her campaign? Absolutely.

Is she going about it the right way? Absolutely not.

Clinton has been campaigning as if she is owed the presidency. Because she is losing to Obama in one category, she comes up with some new category to explain why she should be the nominee. If it's not pledged delegates, it's super-delegates. If it's not super-delegates, it's popular vote. If it's not popular vote, it's states won. It goes on and on.

All the while, she keeps pushing why she would be a better president than Obama.

Thing is, Obama has been making the case why he would be a better president than McCain.

That's where the real difference is. It is a persuasion between the ideas of the Democratic Party and those of the Republican Party. The differences between Obama and Clinton are minuscule. For those who support either Democratic candidate, they should realize that the other would be just as good going against McCain.

The Hillary supporters that say that if they don't have things their way, they will support McCain is ludicrous. Why be so hell-bent on winning that you would vow to go for the real opponent if your candidate doesn't win. Hillary talks about the need for party unity, and yet her supporters insist on being divisive.

If Hillary really cared about her party and the future of this country, she would tell her supporters that she was staying in it until one of them is mathematically eliminated, and then they all come together to make sure the party is on the winning end in November. By not guiding her supporters, they are being self destructive and making it so much easier for McCain to win.

If there are 4 more years of poor economy and needless deaths in Iraq, I will hold each and every Clinton supporter accountable; even if they do fall behind Obama, they aren't doing enough to talk some sense into their fellows' heads.
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