minificathon number three poll

May 03, 2006 04:12

almost half (eight of 17) of the round two stories have been posted so far. I know a lot of people are dealing with end of semester crunches, so I understand the delay in posting. that said, I need everyone who hasn't posted their round two story or contacted me about it yet to check in here (or, if you must, in an email to

I also need some volunteers to pinch hit stories. I definitely need two for the Roslin round, and possibly a few for this round. comment here if you're interested.

now that that's out of the way, on to the poll. same rules as last time apply: only vote if you actually plan on participating in the round.

the poll is now closed.

the poll will be up until sometime Sunday. sign ups will open shortly after it comes down.

3:six, .poll

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