Vipers Passing in the Night--Starbuck/Kat, hard R

Apr 30, 2006 17:32

Title: Vipers Passing in the Night
Author: litzie
Pairing: Starbuck/Kat
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Starbuck's somewhat stream of consciousness take on Kat post-Scar

Written for trinnifer in the Starbuck Round

Starbuck saw her in the showers the next day.

Walking through the pilots' salle de bain, so to speak, naked and nonchalant, looking like a moving statue of one of the gods, for frak's sake, with a droplet of water running down her left breast. Like she owned the place. Like she was frakking King of the hill.

Queen of the hill.

And Starbuck so wanted to take 'er down a peg or two (or twenty), but of course she couldn't because she was a peg or two down herself.

Frakking Scar, frakking cylons. Frakking Anders. The whole situation made her want to...well, frak, truth be told, but there wouldn't be any of that. No ships passing in the night, says Lee. Lee. The stupidest smart person Starbuck's ever met, because it's not ships at all, it's vipers, and that makes all the difference.

Kat is gloating. Everywhere she goes she's smiling with that overconfident patronizing gleam in her eye, I'm better than you, I'm frakking better than you--it's getting on Kara's nerves. On everyone else's, too, but they're all waiting to see what Kara does. As if it's still her job to straighten Kat out.

Racetrack snaps at her first--no surprise there, Racetrack hasn't got much tolerance for anyone with an ego bigger than hers, and her temper isn't anything to sniff at either. Not that Starbuck is sniffing. Besides, she's heard that there's a bit of history between these two, vipers passing many a night kind of history that's absolutely none of Starbuck's business.

Kat snaps back, snaps hard, and everyone looks at Starbuck's reaction. She laughs. Why shouldn't she? Kat's 10 times the pilot Racetrack'll ever be, and frakking Racetrack punched her in the gut once. Of course, Kat punched her in the face once--striking a superior officer Kat, not a good idea, I oughta have landed you in the brig, punished you good--but that was different. That was...that was different.

So Starbuck laughs, and everyone else laughs (nervously), and Racetrack's pride makes her stiff as she walks away, and Kat leaves with an even better opinion of herself than she had before.

If that's possible.

Soon everyone is tired of it, of her posturing and her conceited, ridiculous airs. Because of course Kat can't see when enough is enough. Kat can't let things lie. She just has to push, and push, and push...

Helo wants Starbuck to say something. Her job, as the Captain. Lee sure as hell ain't doing it, with his amused distance and that fake calm of his.

Just so it's clear, she says to Helo, just so it's clear I'm doing this for all of you. The squad as a whole. This doesn’t have anything to do with Scar, or top gun, or me, or walking around naked, or pegs...

What're you talking about, pegs? Helo says with the dumb nice guy look of confusion on his face, and Starbuck tells him to never mind. And she goes to find to Kat.

Catches her in the showers, running her face under the sharp spray of water. Kat looks exhausted, as well she should what with all the frakking around she's been doing.

Kat, Starbuck calls, standing outside the shower but looking all the same, Kat I want to talk to you. Emphasis on the talk for some reason. Like there’s anything else Starbuck could want from a naked Kat standing in the shower, water running down her hard little body and-

Kat won’t look over, won’t open her eyes, and when she speaks a stream of water runs over her lips.

She tells Starbuck to go frak herself, which, while not unexpected, is something of a last straw. Except Starbuck’s fairly sure they reached for last straws a few weeks back.

And so she walks right into the shower, captain’s uniform and all. Kat makes a smart comment about how she gets Starbuck wet, which Starbuck graciously ignores while shoving Kat up against the tiled wall of the showers.

And she’s holding Kat there, bodies pressed together, one hand on Kat’s throat and the other pulled back for a punch. And Kat’s not scared, not flinching, she’s got this grateful gleam in her eye, finally, finally, and Starbuck can feel every inch of her through her wet dress blues. And damn if these five seconds aren’t making Starbuck hotter than five minutes of ships passing in the night with Lee.

And then Kat wiggles against her, and thoughts leave her head. It’s just fingers pinching and groping and running along wet skin. Kat is stripping her drenched uniform from her body inch by inch, and then they’re both standing in the showers with the water running down and Starbuck follows a drop with her lips as it lands on Kat’s shoulder and makes its way down, down, down. The drop of water moves on, but Starbuck is distracted by soft breasts and then a smooth stomach with goose bumps raised. And then she moves down again and Kat is moaning, fingers twisting in Starbuck’s hair, and Starbuck thinks she could explode right there, her face buried in between Kat’s legs.

And then she’s up and their mouths connect, finally, almost like a punch to the gut. She gasps as Kat’s fingers find their way inside her. Her head tilts back and Kat’s lips are on her neck. Her breath is catching in her throat and her hips are bucking and she’s almost there, almost somewhere-

Kat’s lips are at her ear, moaning Kara, Kara, and she’s falling over the edge.

Slowly sounds regain meaning and Starbuck can hear their breathing, harsh gasps of air against each other’s shoulders. She remembers the water, and the fact that they’re standing in a public shower, and what it was she came in here for in the first place. She pulls a towel from the rack, leaving her uniform in a wet pile at Kat’s feet.

Well. Glad we got that squared away, she says. Kat laughs at her, but nods, and Starbuck walks out of the room, smiling a bit herself.

p:kara/kat, 2:kara, by:litzie, r:r, .story

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