BSG FIC :: "Chimera" [Helena Cain/Laura Roslin, PG13-R]

Feb 16, 2008 18:03

Title: Chimera
Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Rating: PG13-ish, maybe a light R
Pairings: Helena Cain/Laura Roslin
Date: 13-15 February 2008
Word Count: 1013
Written for: tellitslant
Challenge: getyourtoaster Cain round pinch hit
Summary: She was right in calling me Kassandra; no one believes in the doom I see…
Spoilers: Pegasus & Resurrection Ship, Parts 1 & 2
Warnings: Character death
Website: ShatterStorm Productions - Frisked & Conquered
Link to:
Archive: ShatterStorm Productions only…all others ask for permission & we'll see…

Author’s Disclaimer: "Battlestar Galactica," the characters, and situations depicted are the property of Ron Moore, David Eick, SciFi, R&D TV, Sky TV, and USA Cable Entertainment LLC. This piece of fan fiction was created for entertainment not monetary purposes. Previously unrecognized characters and places, and this story, are copyrighted to the author. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author. This site is in no way affiliated with "Battlestar Galactica," SciFi, or any representatives of the actors whose characters are involved.

Original Requests:
character you want paired with Cain: D'Anna
up to three things you want to see in the story: pre-apocalypse, an interview over drinks, optionally D'Anna doing Cylon reconaissance
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: non-con
preferred rating: the higher the better

character you want paired with Cain: Kat
up to three things you want to see in the story: Kat flirting, Cain reminiscing
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: non-con
preferred rating: the higher the better

character you want paired with Cain: Roslin
up to three things you want to see in the story: mythology references, sex on Colonial One
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: non-con
preferred rating: the higher the better
Author’s Notes: I'd had ideas for both D'Anna and Roslin initially, then lost track of both ideas when I got involved in lastficstanding. And then when I remembered this one, I couldn't get the original Roslin idea back into my brain, so I went with the next best option. And I think, in the end, I went with the best option. I really like how this played out, but wish I'd been able to do more with the sex…

Dedication: My muses, for always pulling thru in the end…

Beta: celievamp

by A. Magiluna Stormwriter

Tell me, Madame President, do you think it wise to let these people under your rule continue to believe in your so-called prophetic abilities?

4:cain, by:ariestess, r:pg13, p:laura/cain, .story

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