Battle Fic: Votive (Roslin/Tory/Maya, R)

Jul 03, 2007 19:57

Title: Votive
Prompt: Roslin/Tory/Maya, control
Rating: R
Spoilers: none
Words: 250

It's not that they let Maya be in charge, so much as Laura insists on it, and Tory - well. Tory will do what she has to.

Sometimes, though, most of the time really, Laura will have eyes only for Maya and it makes Tory wonder why she's there at all. She'll hover while Laura kneels at Maya's feet like she's praying before some holy figure, the tension in her face a little more visible every time, and Tory won't know what to do with herself.

But then Maya will reach for her hand and pull her close, lean over and kiss her, licking at her mouth, duck her head lower, teasing her nipples, till Tory sighs and her eyes close and she can't see Laura, lips pressed to Maya's belly. Until Maya pushes her away with a small laugh, falls back across the small cot where there's never enough room for all of them, and says, "Play with Laura, instead."

Laura, who won't even seem to notice Tory's hands cupping her breasts, or smoothing down her back, her thighs - Tory knows Maya's taste, the heat of Maya's clit under her tongue. So she'll just lay her cheek against Laura's shoulder blade and let her eyes fall shut again, feeling her way. Three fingers in Laura's cunt and four in her own, till Laura comes and she feels her shaking every place where their bodies touch. She never makes a sound but for once, Tory will think, Laura knows she's there.

by:ijemanja, 7:battle, r:r, .story, p:laura/tory/maya

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