holiday round of getyourtoaster sign ups

Oct 24, 2006 18:16

okay, so I kind of lied over at femslash_today when I said we were going to do a round of gyt for background characters before we started our holiday extravaganza. my only excuse is that I'm lazy & easily distracted.

instead, we're going to jump right in to the holiday thing. I don't have the exact time line nailed down just yet, but I'm going to go ahead and open up sign ups tonight. the rest of the schedule pretty much looks like this:

sign ups end: Tuesday, November 7th
assignments out by: Friday, November 11th
stories due: Monday, January 1st - Sunday, January 7th

sign ups for this round are going to run a little differently than they usually do around here. in fact, we're going to steal a page from ncis_tinsel's book, so that instead of signing up in the comments of a master post you'll be signing up in your own post to the community.

you'll be making three requests just like always, but on top of listing the characters you can and cannot write, you'll also be listing the pairings you can and cannot write. (even though this is a femslash ficathon, we're leaving the character sections in, in an attempt to make matching up things a tiny bit easier. we'll see if it actually works.)

sign up post format (just copy, paste & fill out):

what I want:

request 1

request 2

request 3

what I can do:

pairings I will write:
pairings I won't write:
characters I will write:
characters I won't write:
I can write NC-17:
I can be called on to write a back up story:

take your time when filling this out and try to come up with all the femslash pairings you'd be willing to write. you can still sign up if you only feel comfortable writing one pairing, but it'll make my job of pairing you up with an assignment a lot harder. in the same vein, you can be as creative as you'd like with your request, but know that really obscure pairings might have a hard time being matched up with a writer.

please make sure to put your sign up form behind a cut tag when you make your post. and remember, you'll be able to come back right up until the 7th to edit your post if you think of something new or change your mind.

you don't need to have participated in a ficathon at gyt or have had the community friended before to participate in the holiday ficathon, so make sure to pimp this thing far and wide.

any posts that aren't sign up forms (or belated stories for previous rounds, hinthint) will be deleted.

any and all comments and questions are welcomed in the comments to this post.

6:holiday, .signup

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