Title: The Potluck Confederacy
Author: liz_estrada
Fandom & Pairing: Battlestar Galactica | Laura Roslin/Tory Foster
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Set post 2.20, but it's all really vague
Summary: A hash of sinister pipe dreams, pop quizzes, and various warm-ups. Submitted to the first
getyourtoaster ficathon, Roslin round, written for
sheepfairy (
The Potluck Confederacy )
Comments 14
Best. Line. Ever written about BSG. Whenever anyone asks me about the show's backstory now, I will refer them to "the most catastrophic episode of fellatio in human history." Perfect.
I really liked their little game of name-that-quote, and just how comfortable in general they feel with each other. And the descriptions of life on New Caprica during the occupation seem spot on to me.
Thank you so much!
I'm not a huge fan of first person narrative, but you are totally the only author who can consistently make me enjoy stories written in it. the fact that it's over a wide range of characters and fandoms just makes it even more amazing.
which is to say: you've done a great job of filling in the little details of life on New Caprica, both in Roslin's personal life and the grander scheme of things. you made Laura and Tory's relationship seem real and comfortable, both to them and to the reader, which is great because we haven't seen nearly enough of them in canon. and, hee! gay Draedis jokes!
I'm not a huge fan of first person narrative, but you are totally the only author who can consistently make me enjoy stories written in it. the fact that it's over a wide range of characters and fandoms just makes it even more amazing.
Ah, but there's nothing to it, really - mix a little ADD with a little Borderline Personality Disorder, toss in a tattered thesaurus and there you go. ;)
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