round six sign ups: Boomer

Jul 05, 2006 19:52

welcome to the sign up post for the fourth round of getyourtoaster, which will focus on the conflicted Cylon model Number eight, known to us as Sharon "Boomer" Valerii ( Read more... )

5:sharon, .signup

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projectcyborg July 8 2006, 14:31:02 UTC

prompt 1
character you want paired with Boomer: Boomer
up to three things you want to see in the story: reproduction, skin, kinship
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: full acceptance of her cylon identity
preferred rating: smut

prompt 2
character you want paired with Boomer: D'anna
up to three things you want to see in the story: scripture, manipulation, electricity
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: emo whining
preferred rating: smut

prompt 3
character you want paired with Boomer: Cally
up to three things you want to see in the story: jealousy, blood, the Chief's bootleg liquor
up to two things you don't want to see in the story: fluff, babies
preferred rating: smut

characters you would be able to write Boomer with, in order of preference: Caprica!Six, Starbuck, Roslin, Boomer
characters you would not be able to write Boomer with: everyone else. ha! at least I gave you a few more options this time -- I'm feeling flexible about this story
any type of fic you would not write: um, stand-alone? fluff?
spoilers: I've seen it all

FYI, I believe aeonian is sitting out this round due to a regrettable lack of affection for Boomer -- she's going to write some gratuitous Roslin/Kat.
we'd better get our D'anna round after this! even if it's two months away -- that would give us a chance to catch up. let me know if you need me to enlist Tory.


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