Fic: A Boost of Morale | BSG | Helena Cain/Ellen Tigh | PG-13

Jul 03, 2006 00:19

Title: A Boost of Morale
Author: jaybee65
Round: Cain
Pairing: Helena Cain/Ellen Tigh
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: Roughly 1200
Warnings/Spoilers: Set before the start of the miniseries, so no spoilers of note.
Author's Note: Written for viciouswishes, who wanted to see Cain with Ellen Tigh, with Cloud Nine and no character bashing. Thanks to msgenevieve for the beta help.

Follow the link.

4:cain, by:jaybee65, r:pg13, p:cain/ellen, .story

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