as of 30 or so minutes ago the assignments for the first
getyourtoaster minificathon have gone out to all those who signed up.
as part of the assignment email, the community's rules and guidelines were listed, including a gas light addition. as a standard rule for all gyt rounds, if you default on a ficathon and fail to post your story before the deadline without notifying the community's mods, you will become ineligible for future rounds until you have completed your original assignment.
500 words is not all that much to write in three weeks time. plus, it doesn't take more than a minute or two to send an email off explaining that you won't be able to finish your story. it does, however, take time to find a pinch hitter willing to take on your assignment, especially when the deadline is close or has already passed.
other than that, there might be some changes made to how the poll is run. a simple glance at it and the first round sign ups shows a pretty interesting difference in the number of participants.
even just focusing on the group that voted for Roslin (and ignoring the other 35 people who participated), there's a large gap between the number of people who filled out the poll and the number who signed up for the ficathon. 19 people voted for Roslin but only 12 signed up for the ficathon, and five of those people didn't actually vote for Roslin.
this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does have an impact on the sign ups and ficathons. and because of that, I want to understand why it's happening. are people who are voting in the poll here to read more than they are to write?
is the sign up period not long enough? are the sign ups themselves too complicated/involved/badly organized?
even if you didn't vote for Roslin, I'd like to hear any comments or thoughts you have on this. and if you're comfortable with it, include who you voted for and, if you didn't sign up, why you didn't. there's not going to be any judging going on or some such, I'm just interested in what drove this.