First Impressions Six/Roslin

Jun 03, 2006 20:26

Title: First Impressions
Author: Selenay_x (
Pairing: Six/Roslin
Rating: PG
Spoilers - none prior to miniseries
Word count 829
Disclaimer: don’t own them. Want to, but don’t.
Notes: for round three of the getyourtoaster for jaybee65 prompt 3 Six/Roslin before the Cylon attack

Although others of her designation had visited Caprica, this was her first time and she found the knowledge that had been shared was insufficient. It had lacked feeling, the appreciation for the sensations that surrounded her.

What had been shared by her predecessors could not describe the smell of bread baking wafting from the doorway of the small cake shop she was looking at, or the aroma of freshly perked coffee from the café opposite.

Although those that had been before had mentioned the noise, none of them had prepared her for the sheer level and variety of sounds. People talking, laughing, even shouting. Different kinds of music from a myriad of sources interfering with each other so it was difficult to identify one from another. How humans kept track with their limited aural capabilities was a mystery.

And there were so many people moving about in totally random patterns. How they ever accomplished anything with the apparent lack of discipline was nothing short of a miracle.

Six pulled herself up sharp; she was becoming distracted from her mission. Reviewing her internal map, she headed for *what was the word humans used? Memory sought and found* bohemian part of the town. If the information was correct, the target usually relaxed this particular evening at a small club that played live jazz, and if she chose to leave with someone, it was usually a woman. An anonymous, never seen again woman.

Her information was correct, and Cylon infiltration and information gathering techniques were infallible. Laura Roslin had found a small table and sat, on her own, seemingly lost in the music. Appraising the older woman, Six found herself wondering why the President, given his position of power would choose this particular woman. But the reasons for his choice in partner was irrelevant, the fact she had such access to the president would make her an invaluable tool. From her resume she was intelligent, extremely competent, but fairly nondescript. Seduction should be easy.

Cylons had studied human sexuality, how it showed the flaws and weaknesses of humans and therefore, how using sexuality they could be used, and her model had been designed for seduction. She moved to the table, smiling gently.

“May I join you?” Six asked hesitantly, “It’s my first time here and it’s a little intimidating.”

Laura gestured at the chair next to her. “Feel free. Company would be nice.”

Six was accomplished at human interaction and from her view point the evening was going as planned. Small talk, lay the groundwork for the seduction. Check list uploaded and implemented. The evening was…pleasant. Six hadn't expected that. She also hadn’t expected that Roslin would keep the conversation so impersonal. She hadn’t asked Six her name, nor had she volunteered her own. From all she knew, that was highly unusual. Humans were gregarious by nature, and by all accounts, highly inquisitive. Still, at least the woman was interested in her.

When the music finished, Six put a hand on Laura’s hand to prevent her rising. “I don’t normally do this, but would you like to come for a coffee with me? My place is just round the corner. I haven’t been in town long and it’s nice to see a friendly face.”

Laura tilted her head to one side, considering the proposition. “That would be nice, thank you.”


Six watched as Laura moved around her apartment, much as a Cylon would, cataloguing, analysing the person that lived there. Interesting.

Six handed her a cup of coffee.

Laura took a sip. “Mmm. My favourite. Thank you.” She sat down on the couch and relaxed back into it. Rapidly followed by Six, who took up the place beside her, crossing her legs so Laura had an uninterrupted view of them. Laura responded by smiling slightly and turning toward her.

Six took that for what it was, an invitation. She removed the coffee cup from Laura’s grasp and placed it gently on the table beside her before moving in to kiss the woman, using all the information the Cylons had gleaned to make the kiss erotic, pleasurable, sensual. It worked. She could feel Laura’s elevated heartbeat and the heat rising as her skin flushed and hear the catch in her breath. In her mind Six smiled. The seduction was a success. Laura was lost in the moment.

Just as suddenly Laura pulled back from the kiss and she looked into Six’s eyes. And for a fraction of a second, Roslin’s eyes were filled with an otherworldliness, “You’re manipulating me.” She tilted her head to one side, her expression calculating. “Why.”

Six was stunned. The woman had gone from passion to calculation in the blink of an eye. It shouldn’t happen. Six was designed to please. To seduce. To manipulate. To be subtle.  Perhaps Laura Roslin was not the right human to use. Perhaps they should explore exploiting Gaius Baltar. He might not prove as useful, but would be easier to manipulate.


3:six, r:pg, p:laura/six, by:selenay_x, .story

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