(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 15:08

So today I went on a 14 mile bike ride with the ladies.. then we had a picnic.. then we went to the beach. it was awesome<3

So I have a good hour to kill before I hafta go get ready for poker night at Dan;s house with the guys..

*1. Full Birth Name: Cassandra Frances Krinn
*2. Natural Hair Color: Light brown
*3. Hair Color Currently: Blondish with red highlights
*4. Eye color: hazle
*5. Height Currently: 5'6"
*6. Glasses/Contacts: both
*7. Birthdate: June 30 1989
*8. Sign: Cancer
*9. Current Age: 16
*10. Parents Names: Keith and Peggy
*11. Siblings: 12 year old sister
*12. Location: psh... Da Ville
*13. School Attended: WCHS
*14. Current Grade: Junior
*15. GPA: um 3.7?
*16. College Major: Psychology or education
*17. Planned College: OSU
*18. Any Piercing: ears
*19. Any Tattoos: nope

*1. Best Girl Friend(s): Triple C.. Char, Jay, Cassie, Kelsey
*2. Best Guy Friend(s): Dan
*3. Current Crush: hmm <3
*4. Hobbies: Crew.. umm.. Crew and umm crew?
*5. Where Can You Usually Be Found?: at crew.. or hanging with the girls..
*6. Who Can You Usually Be Found With: Triple C<3
*7. Cell Phone: duhh
*8. Pager: negative
*9. Center of attention or wallflower?: both
*10. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: when i actually find time to go get my license.. the oldsmobile! hah kecks yes.
*11. What Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: jeep
*12. Would You Rather Be With Friends Or On A Date: deff friends
*13. Where Is The Best Hangout: um easton.. or Beth&Courts houses
*14. Do You Have A Job: Yupp.. Culvers baybe
*15. Where Do You Attend Church: St. Pauls.
*16. Where's the best place to have a date: don't care..

FRIENDS: Out Of Your Friends Who...
*1. Have You Known The Longest: Here--> Courtney or Nicole.  Back home--> Cassie
*2. Do You Argue The Most With: Nicole
*3. Do You Always Get Along With: Beth
*4. Is The Most Trustworthy: um Beth
*5. Makes You Laugh The Most: hah Beth makes me laugh at her.. and Courtney
*6. Has Been There Through All The Hard Times: Triple C. Kylie. and Char
*8. Is The Most Sensitive: Char
*9. Has The Coolest Siblings: Courtney.. gotta looove Heather!!
*10. Is The Most Blunt: hmm Nicole?
*11. Is The Shyest: maybe Kylie
*12. Is The Most Outgoing: all of em.
*13. Has The Coolest Parents: Beths dad is a piiimp.. psh Cassies mom is awesome. Expecially when she drag races with my mom in parking lots..
*14. Is Most Rebellious: Nicole
*15. Is Most Conservative: Bee and Kels
*16. Is Most Likely To Become Famous: Kylie.. in theatre!
*17. Is Most Likely To Become Rich: Courtney n Bee
*18. Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: Nicole.. haha
*19. Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: hahahaha Courtney.. except not.
*20. Most likely To Never Have Kids: Kylie
*21. Always Wears A Smile: Jericca.. Beth
*22. Is Smartest: Court, Bee, Char
*23. Who Has The Biggest Attitude: hmm noone really?
*24. Without Thinking About It, Who Do You Think Would Die For You: Triple C
*25. Complains The Least: idk
*26. Biggest Flirt: Nicole
*27. Needs A Good Man/Woman: haha Beth
*28. Never EVER Betrayed you: Beth
*29. Easiest to talk to: Triple C, Char, Jay, Cassie, Kels, Kylie, Carly, Nicole... hmm im gonna say all of em!

*1. Who Is Your Role Model: hm idk
*2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: When people lie to me or don't tell me things when I ask...
*3. Have You Ever Been In Love: nope
*4. Have you ever liked someone and knew you didn't have a chance?: yeah
*5. Have You Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex: mmhmm
*6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go after: kinnda?
*7. How Long Was Your Longest Relationship: hah like 2 monthes
*8. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): yeah.. :: sigh ::
*9. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge on Someone Because They Hurt You: i dont think so
*10. Ever Been Cheated On: not that I know of
*11. Ever Said I Love You To A Significant Other: nope
*12. Rather Be Dumper Or Dumped: dumper .. both suck though
*13. Rather Have A Relationship Or A "Hookup": depends
*14: Want someone you don't have right now: yup
*15. Ever Liked a Guy/Girl friend? Course
*16. Do you want to get married?: yup
*17. Do You Want Kids: yeah
*18. Do You Believe In Psychics: no.. that was random.

*1. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Physical Being: hm.. idk
*2. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Emotional being: i can make people smile
*3. Are You Happy With You: for the most part
*4. Are You Happy With Your Life: yup!!
*5. Are You Scared Right Now: of what?
*6. If You Could Change Something In Your Life, Right Now What Would It Be: that i didn't let friendships fade away
*7. What is your biggest regret: thats personal

*1. Kiss: romantic
*3. Girl's Name: Kellie or Haylie
*4. Guy's Name: Josh
*5. Person to talk to about your problems: Beth Court and Char 
*6. Song: gosh.. waaaay to many
*7. Movie: hmm now and then and pretty woman
*8. Actor/Actress:  idk
*9. Soda: cherry coke.. or sprite
*10. Candy: anything chocolate
*11. Band/Artist: Fallout Boy, The Starting Line, AAR, Skillet, Rascal Flatts 
*12. Salad Dressing: Ranch and French
*13. Blanket/Stuffed Animal: benji.. haha court
*14. Day of The Week: friday or Saturday
*15. Color: PINK
*16. Perfume: tommy girl or rampage from charlotte ruge
*17. TV Show: Friends, Laugna Beach, GILMORE GIRLS
*18. Flower: tulip
*19. Fast Food Place: subway.. and wendys
*20. Game: lotss
*21. Love Song: toooons
*22. Teacher: Mr. Ekis or Mr. Cook
*23. Clothing: my crew hoodie and my AE jeans
*24. Possession: my camera, cell phone, and ipod
*25. Season: summer and fall
*26. Vacation Spot: the beach 
*27. Person To Give Advice To: my friends.. haha ms. kelsey and ms. cassie
*28. Person To Get Advice From: Court and Bee

*1. Cried: yes
*2. Bought Something: food!
*3. Gotten Sick: no
*4. Sang: Course
*5. Eaten: psh this is me were talking about
*6. Been Kissed: umm when was last thurs... hm so no not in the last 48 hrs
*7. Felt stupid: duhh
*8. Said I Love You: yes to my girls
*9. Met Someone New: nope
*10. Moved On: nope
*11. Talk To An Ex: yes
*12. Missed An Ex: no
*13. Talked To Someone You Have A Crush On: yeah
*14. Had a Serious talk: yup
*15. Missed Someone: yess.. my michigan girls
*16. Hugged Someone: yup
*17. Fought With Your Parents: noo surprisingly 
*18. Fought With A Friend: nu uh
*19. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: nope

well that was boring..

leave me some comments!!

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