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Jul 05, 2005 19:53

life is good. B-]

highlights of the last couple of days..

i turned 16! woop! birthdays are the shiznet. Got some AE clothes.. a new camera phone! and like $200.. hell yeah. And me and the fam went to the olive garden. yuumm. it was pimp.

The other day we were supposed to go to Red White and Boom but couldn't so we went to Bw3's for dinner. Then guess what we did? We went putt-putting! It was quite fun I must say. I think the highlight was watching beth tripping.. (yes tripping as in multiple times) over her tiny red ball as she tried to shove it into the hole. She made me start laughing so hard that i fell over and my ball bouced out of my hand ans started rolling into the water. So then the three of us were holding on to each other bending down trying to reach into the water to get my ball..(in skirts might I add..). Haha it was the funniest thing i've seen in awhile. haha gotta love those girls. Anyways afterwards we went to Graters for ice cream.. (saw nelle.. aww i miss her) and then walked around for a little bit. It was pretty awesome. What a lovely night.<3

Uhh Saturday I worked till 5 then went to Nates house with Court and bee. Jusit was there too.. We watched Coach Carter and hung out for awhile before we had to make it home for Courtneys curfew. funfun.

So the other night Nicole and Bee came over. We sat outisde and talked for a bit before me and Beth decided that we really wanted to go running. But first we went to Janelles house to see her family who we miss so much. Nikki stayed there with Rach while we ran. It was nice running with bee..were hotties lemme tell yah. hah. anyhoo we came back to Nelle's.. had a couple popsicles then decided that we wanted to take a walk.. so we left Nicole and Rach again and walked around my neighborhood. We saw some fireworks so we sat down on the sidewalk and watched them and talked for like an hour. Then we headed back to Nelles house.. hung out for a little bit then went home. Then me, Nicole, and Beth took another walk around my neighborhood and talked for another couple hours. Then we came inside.. talked some more.. then went to bed. we were in needage of some maaajor talkage. =] I must say that i love those girls. I seeeriously don't know what I would do w/o them. And I must say that me and Bee have reached a new level of closness.. we now officially finish each others sentances. I can read her mind and vise versa. Its quite creepy. lol. But anyhoo.. i love them<3

Monday me and Bee woke up all energizd and got ready for the parade.. we looked hott all decked out in our red white n blue. haha we really are hotties. Nikki left and then Court cmae over and we all finished getting ready. Then we went to Cheryl n Co and got in the truck n went to the parade. Oh em gee was it hott! Everyone was drenched in sweat. Hott right? yeaaap. We got to hand out cookies to everyone.. lol it was actually fun... we felt cool. Mucho love to my girrlies<3

Later that night Court came back over along with Spanky, Valerie and Angel. We had a little BBQ. Yumm fooood. lol after we ate me and my lovely went in my yard and rolled around in my grass taking pics of each other on our phones. I don't think i've seen anything hotter. no seriously. haha after that me and my family, courtney and her family, and nicole and her family all went to the Westerville fireworks together. it was really cute. We all layed on each other n watched em. Psh who needs guys? not us. so siree. hmm sigh. anyhoo.. it was a lovely day<3 to bad bee couldnt be at the fireworks... =[

anyhoo.. Today i worked till three then went to summer rowing. It was the shiznet. And me and Court did really good. Oh man I hope Im on the lightweight boat soon.. if not this season then next. hell yes. I wish all you guys could see me row.. ohh i think that if Cassie and Kelsey or Char come this summer i'll take them to one night at summer rowing.. haha that will be fuuuunny!<3

im out. <3

take a looksy

I wanna bang her.

She wants to bang me.

grr. im a gangster.


they're my world.

bw3 love fersure

wait..do buffalo have wings???

my putt-putt hoes.<3
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