OOC: Character survey

Dec 24, 2008 18:42

Name and meaning:

Slippy Ethan Toad.

According to the dictionary, “Slippy” is a synonym for “slippery.” It most likely refers to the slimy skin of frogs.
Ethan is of Hebrew origin. It means “optimistic and strong.”
A toad is a type of amphibian, even though he’s a frog.

Age and date of birth:
17, 3/5/91. The American release date of Star Fox.

Physical attributes: (Elaborate on everything, from hair style to muscle tone to the their eyelid's tendency to flicker up and down during a boring teacher's lessons. Twitch.)
Slippy is a short and pudgy person. Only 5’0 in his normal form and 5‘2 in his human form. At first glance, you’d swear that he’s no older than 13 or 14. He has short dark green hair that is almost always covered by his hat. He has a round button nose covered in freckles and pale skin.

In both forms he has dark blue eyes.

In his normal form, he retains his short fat stature. His skin in this form is the same shade of green that his human form has. His bottom jaw, neck and stomach are a white-yellow color. Due to his high pitch voice and the fact that frogs don’t have the same visible differences in gender as mammals do, it’s difficult at times to tell what sex he is in this form.

Distinguishing features: (Anything unusual-scars, tattoos, etc. Or an unusual color of hair. What makes your character an individual? Please do not say violet-coloured eyes.)
He has freckles, especially on his nose. His hair is naturally green. Oh, and he sounds like he inhaled a tank of helium!

Frequently used verbal expressions: (Either phrases “unbelievably pretentious!” or attitude.)
Slippy tends to yell out “dang it!” whenever he’s upset. He uses words like “kinda’” . “gonna” and “did ya’” a lot. This kid never swears for some reason.

Frequently used facial expression or other physical gesture: (They motion with their hands while they talk, never look people in the eye while giving speeches, tap their pens while listening to professors.)
He gestures with his arms a lot. No really, if you pay close attention to cut scenes of him speaking in Assault he does a lot gesturing with his hands and arms. He wears his emotions on his sleeve.

You can easily tell how he’s feeling by the tone of his voice and his facial expressions. He yells whenever he’s upset or panicking. Unless he’s really afraid of you, he makes direct eye contact when speaking.

Education (and grade): (Please elaborate on education prior to, during, and after school, including their level of interest in their subject of choice (or as chosen by another) and their general academic behaviour. Did they attend primary schools? Home tutoring? Somehow, they managed to read and pick up other basic skills, right?)
Slippy was educated in Corneria City. He went to public school and took several advanced and honors courses.

Academic skills: (Classes they excel at, whether or not essays are the thing for them, neat handwriting, attentive listening-how they manage to pass their classes or career.)
Slippy always did well academically, especially in math and science. He always had excellent typing skills and is an attentive listener. He always approached his lessons with enthusiasm.

Academic weaknesses: (And everything they manage to do to fail.)
Physical Education. While he does enjoy baseball and swimming, Slippy was never the athletic type. He was the kid who was always picked last for sports teams and everyone’s favorite person to pummel during dodge ball.

Main goal (dream) at this point in time: (Their main goal or dream is likely to change over time. How does it reflect their character? What hidden aspects are there to it? Elaborate.)
He wants to be brave and strong so people can’t pick on him like they did when he was a kid.

Secondary goals: (Like before, but smaller things that are somewhere in the spectrum, but not at the top of the list.)
He wants to make sure his friends are safe and happy.

Love interest: (One hopes this will change over time. What draws them to this person? Is there a common characteristic in all those they adore? What types of relationships are they involved in?)
No one. Slippy has shown little to no interest in either gender. While a relationship would be nice, he really doesn’t care if he ever dates or not. Life’s too short to worry about romance in his eyes.

Family: (At least 100 words on each character should cover occupation, family history, how family members met (your character's parents), and a basic personality description.)

Dad: The great Beltino Toad. The famed engineer of Airspace Dynamics and director of Weapons and Research Development for the CDF. Everything Slippy knows about mechanics and engineering, he learned from Beltino. Ever since Slippy could hold up a wrench he and Beltino would build and repair things together. Fix toys, hotwire the family car….build a submarine with torpedoes.
He’s a loving parent and shares a close bond with his son. Despite his intelligence, Beltino is pretty absentminded. He has a habit of forgetting to tell his family important things…like that he’s freaking working for the Cornerian Defense Federation! (No really he forgot to tell them for months) For reasons that no one can explain he has a mustache even though he’s a frog.

Mother: Physically, Slippy looks similar to her. A loving woman, she dotes over her husband and son. Slippy inherited his optimistic view on life from her. She wears her emotions on her sleeve and won’t hesitate to voice her opinions when the opportunity arises. She feels that nothing good comes from bottling up your emotions.
She’s on the clumsy side and falls on her face a lot. Derpiness aside, she’s actually pretty smart, especially in math. She works as an accountant for a local cooperation.
Oddly while her son has a high pitched voice, Mrs. Toad has a low almost manly voice.

Lucy Hare: Lucy’s, Fox’s and Slippy’s dads have been good friends. This friendship would be what led him to meet her. Lucy would baby-sit the boys when they were younger. As the years progressed, Slippy would come to love her as an older sister.

Bracket: His pet kagorok. Bracket started out as an egg given to ROB and Slippy to hatch in Sex-Ed. Bracket was born tiny, frail and featherless but slowly matured into a healthy bird. He sleeps a lot and hates the cold.

Place of residence (city, house, etc.): (Where does your character live?)
Lives in a small house with his parents. Don’t go into the basement though, Slippy and Beltino do most of their building down there and occasionally something explodes. He also currently shares a dorm with Kooper.

Worst past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best, unless something that happened to your character as an adult has had a more significant impact.)
The first worst experience he ever had would have to be when James died. He witnessed how depressed Fox became afterwards. The whole thing hurt Slippy more when Fox ran away to live on the streets. His second bad experience would have to be his fight with Scyther. He’s still feels guilty for almost killing her.

Best past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best.)
The day he met Fox back when they were small children. He’s the first real friend Slippy every made.

Hobbies: (All interests.)
playing video games (his favorite genres are puzzle games and shooters), inventing, swimming and watching anime.

Profession (aspired to): (What does your character want to be when they grow up? Or, if they're already an adult, what do they wish they were doing?)
He wants to work alongside his father at Airspace Dynamics.If that doesn’t work out, he wants to open his own mechanic shop or teach engineering.

Strengths: (Try and keep the number small-weaknesses are more important.)

Very upbeat and energetic.
Good at almost anything involving machinery and computers. Still doesn’t know how to properly hack into computer systems though.

Weaknesses: (More important for role playing-please include several at least.)

Slippy is a slow runner and physically weak. He prefers using weapons over his fists.
He’s a crybaby and on the clingy side.
Rushes into situations without thinking.
As any Star Fox fan knows, he sucks as a pilot.

Any other information: (Basically an “other” category.)
Doesn’t believe kisses have any romantic meanings behind them unless it’s done on the lips.
Sexual and drug related innuendos fly over this kid’s head.
Eats bugs...even in his human form.

Possessions: (Details as well. What your character owns and what quality it is in.)
Blaster- (stolen) He built it himself. Under normal circumstances, he only uses it for brawl spars but he carries it in his backpack just in case.

Reflector- Also built it himself. Reflects projectiles.

Car- He made it auto shop. He’s still trying to get it to hover.

The Bullfrog- Right now it’s in Corneria. He and his dad built it from a discarded fighter plane. It was still incomplete when Slippy left for SBG.

Wardrobe: (What your character wears and its condition. This should reflect their social status, financial situation, social involvement, etc.)
Wears a lot of anime and video game t-shirts along with nerdy polo shirts with those pocket protecters and occasionally a sweater vest. He wears his baseball cap all the time.

Sometimes he wears those yellow and blue jumpsuits he wears in the games but not very often. He likes to wear red scarfs and bandanas around his neck. He just thinks it’s cool.

What they would say about themselves:

Weaknesses aside, Slippy is actually happy the way he is. He completely prides in the talents he does have. No self-esteem issues here.

He does wish more people would realize that he’s NOT A DAMN GIRL!

What others would say about them:

Depends on who you ask.

"He can sure be a real pain in the neck sometimes.”
“A sweet and energetic kid.”
“A genius.”
“Is that a girl?”

What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid?
Fruit flies. He’s allergic to them. Mayflies on the other hand….

What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have?

Have lots of friends.

How did your character make their enemies? Their friends? (Although this doesn’t have to be detailed, explaining circumstances and what unites and estranges your character with others is important.)

He met Lucy and Fox as a child on Corneria. Fox and Slippy met after they were stuffed in a trashcan by some older kids.

All of his other friends he met at Sumabura.

What does your character fear? (Explain fears and the reasons behind them.)

Ever since seeing what happened to Fox when James died, Slippy developed a fear of losing the people he loves through murder or some other violent way.

It nearly came true when Beltino was almost caught in an explosion.

What is irresistible to your character? (Explain why they can’t resist the irresistible and the reasons behind their inability to resist.)
Broken machines. If it’s broken he MUST fix it!.

That and delicious mosquitoes.

Who does your character admire most? (The person, their admirable qualities, and your character’s reasons.)
Fox and Lucy: He looks up to him like older siblings.

He also admires his father for his mechanical know how.


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