Jul 31, 2007 21:37
So I haven't written on this thing in months. But hey, it's now or never, right? So senior year is right around the corner. That means that exactly one week after school begins my senior choreography music is due in full. That's not too much of a problem for me since I have the music figured out. But um, help? I haven't even started choreographing. I keep having ideas, but I'm so worried that my choreography will end up being a joke. I know that it'll end up way more classical than I want it to. I want so much more contemporary but I haven't had enough experience with that.
On the plus side, I know what I want the storyline of the piece to be. And I also want it as much of a secret as possible. But this is all so confusing!
Beowulf, don't make me laugh. I haven't started it. I'm planning on starting it tomorrow [for real too]. I have a dreadful feeling that I will fail Abernathy's test miserably. That's such a great feeling going into the last year of high school. Also, all of my colleges seem just out of reach. I have to sign up for either the ACT or SAT again. The SAT was better for me, I liked the ACT test...but I ended up doing better on the SAT. If anyone even reads this, tell me your opinion on which one I should take again. [or if I should just take both of them again.] The good thing about the ACT is that I wouldn't have to take the writing section again. I was happy with a 10 out of 12 on that.
This summer has been amazing. Beyond belief. Here's what I did:
~Work Camp in Panama City with about a hundred of the coolest Presbyterian kids ever. Seriously, a week at the beach with those kids was great. I loved every bit of it.
~A week in Tampa with Kerryalexander!!! Gah, I missed her soooo much! She and her family are awesome and I'm definitely saving up for another trip to them next summer. I always have the best time with them, and I feel like they like me too...which is rare and nice.
~Three weeks as a Counselor-In-Training at Kamp Kiwanis on Lake Martin. Considering I've been going there for 9 years, it was home. My sister was a counselor and I had a great time with her. The camp director asked me back for the third week, which NEVER happens so I felt really honored. She sat me down and told me that if I had been 18 for the past two years she would have hired me. She also said that I DEFINITELY have a job there next summer which is REALLY good to know!
~Two weeks in Montreat, NC. One week was with FPC-Auburn, my home church. I love them all so much and I got to know everyone so much better. I really felt like a family with them. That was the best week I'd ever had at Montreat. The second week was with a newer youth group that I go to during the school year in Vestavia. They're all great and Ben Odom was there too. What a blast! I also got to spend the weekend with Dina, Will, and Gracie Marble. Gracie fell asleep in my arms, and oh geez I love that little baby girl!
~One week in Montgomery for Alabama Dance Theatre's summer intensive. I got a little more back in shape and I got to see someone that I never get to see normally. A piece of heaven, I enjoyed it.
~Now I'm back at home for the end of summer. Daddy and I took a 5 mile walk tonight and it was the most exhilarating thing ever. I move in 11 days, have 3 more dance classes to take in Bham, and a dentist appointment to go to. Whoopie. I really don't want the summer to end.
Now I'm really sorry if anyone actually took the time to read this thing, but it was really good to get all of this out. I forgot how good it feels to write like this. :)